The project will conduct training aimed at developing a skilled, patient-oriented and well-cooperating team of medical professionals. Following this, the project will develop a new model for occupational therapy that includes the offer of treatment and rehabilitation activities adapted to the needs and abilities of each individual patient. Gained experience and knowledge will be transferred to others through publications of materials. Finally, the project will take action against the discrimination of persons with disabilities, dependents, elderly and those with psychiatric disorders. It will contribute to shaping attitudes of understanding and acceptance through a range of activities, including integrated local events, surveys, conferences, concerts, and a social campaign. The project will create a reference place for cooperation and exchange of experiences in the country and abroad through activities planned in detail. Patients in Owińska with varying degrees of intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses, and dependents, most of whom are elderly people, are expected to benefit from the project.
Summary of project results
New facility of the Branch of Social and Psychiatric Treatment in Owińska was built and fully equipped with: medical, nursing care and rehabilitation equipment. In the old building arised new recreation rooms, rooms for each type of therapy (ceramic and fusing furnaces for pottery), white room of experiencing the world, sensory integration room and others.A modern therapeutic rooms has been constructed and equipped with: water bed, water column, LED graphics, light projector, mirror ball, UV lamp, light-sound track, star sky etc. Walking areas, playgrounds, outdoor gym, sensory garden were designed for care of disabled people also in wheelchairs. Training for medical stuff (nurses, psychologists, occupational therapists) were organized. 260 people participated in the task. 3 picnics have been organized for patients, their families, NGO’s and local community. About 1200 people participated. Art performance Herody, traditional show was presented during the Christmas season. A group of patients and Staff, dressed in colors costumes, visited many places with their show for about 1750 people in all. Theatre workshops for patients were organized twice. A Review of the Theatrical Teams was attended by people with disabilities and older people. 410 people participated. 3 classical music concerts were organized as well for over 2490 participants. Two conferences in celebration of World Mental Health Day and World Day of the Sick have been organized on the subject: Current look at mental health and Perspectives on psychiatric care. About 300 people attended. Public Service Campaign was launched under the slogan Break with sick words - switch to healthy thinking. The campaign was aimed at all people: children, youth, employees of public institutions, local community. Project implementation has resulted in:- increaseing of access to benefits, shortening of waiting time for care, increasing of the quality of services, expand the branch and purchase new equipment, training staff. integration of the local community with disabled people through picnics, concerts. exchange of experience and cooperation through study visits, activities undertaken with universities, non-governmental organizations. Project products : expansion of the usable area of branch: 3 000 m2, patients benefiting from improved health services:108 people, 49medical and nursing staff trained, 15conducted events for health promotion and education, 3 integration picnics for about 1 200 people.
Summary of bilateral results