Demographic processes in Polish society causes a large increase in the need for nursing and care services. The main problem for providing proper health services is the lack of premises and equipment needed for the treatment and rehabilitation of the elderly, long-term sick and disabled/dependent. The objective of the project is to improve the access and increasing quality of health services related to ageing society. This fits the priorities stipulated in national strategies as well as the EC multi-annual program of action for health 2014-2020. The expected indicators of outcomes will be the increased possibility to provide professional services up to 8000 patients. The gym hall will be rebuild and adopted to providing health services. There will be 62 training sessions for medical staff and 500 publications related to health promotion printed. The project will train 117 staff, purchase 33 pieces of medical equipment and provide 173 advices in the field of health promotion and education. The target groups are mainly the elderly, the chronically ill and dependent, as well as their family members and medical staff.
Summary of project results
Under the project "Rehabilitation Centre, i.e. the reconstruction and change of use of the gym for rehabilitation counseling with a teaching gym hall." were carried out the following activities: management, information and publicity, reconstruction of the gym, the purchase of equipment for the Rehabilitation Center, training of medical staff and health promotion. The project implementation was needed, since demand for services rehabilitation is very big. The achieved their goal through the reconstruction of the existing gym hall for a rehabilitation Center. The Rehabilitation Centre at the District Hospital ltd in Rawicz. is a modern and fully-equipped accommodation. The Rehabilitation Center has three surgeries, a complex of rooms for physical therapy, physiotherapy room, a classroom, two massage rooms, hydrotherapy and a daily rehabilitation unit. The center provides medical rehabilitation services in the field of physiotherapy, electrotherapy, light and thermotherapy, hydrotherapy, local cryotherapy and massage. As part of the information and publicity campaign the beneficiary organized three conferences and two festivals devoted to the project. During the festivities we provided rehabilitation and dietary advice as well as held demonstrations of first aid. Additionally, we filmed a promotional video, issued radio ads, and published a series of articles in the press promoting the implemented project. The aim of the project was achieved. Indicators of the project were reached: Number of patients benefiting from the improvement of medical services-8000, Number of implemented infrastructure projects-1; Number of training sessions for medical staff-62;Number of new jobs at the facility related to the project-8; Number of new contracts for treatment-1; Number of programs aimed at reduction or prevention of diseases related to lifestyle, at the national level or local level-1; Volume of publications related to health promotion-500;Number of press releases related to health promotion-5; Number of elderly people using the improvement in health services-2800. The project contributed to the improved accessibility to the Health Service. the beneficiary will ensure the permanence of the project. The beneficiary will create the fund, on which every year financial means will be amassed. The beneficiary will continue the information campaign on the project i.e. we will publish the results of project implementation and recommendations resulting from the completed project.
Summary of bilateral results