There is a shift in the distribution of the Polish population towards older age and increase in rate of people who suffer from mental problems. This process has consequences for health services, especially provided by public nursing homes. As such nursing homes face significant infrastructure problems, District Limanowa undertakes the project to improve the quality and availability of health services provided in the region. This fits the priorities stipulated in national strategies as well as program of action for health 2014-2020, presented by the European Commission. Project sites are 3 nursing homes, located in Limanowa, Mszana and Szczyrzyc. Indicators of this venture refer to the number of benefiting patients (153); infrastructure projects implemented (1); training sessions for staff (7);health programs implemented(1) and elderly persons benefiting from the project (76). The above outcomes will be achieved by renovation works in 2 nursing homes; delivery of 3 pieces of therapeutic equipment; training of 41 members of staff and prophylaxis program. The project will primarily benefit residents of the nursing homes. The secondary target group is staff.
Summary of project results
The reason for applying the EEA and Norway grants were difficulties that the Project Promoter met while running Nursing Homes in 3 locations (Limanowa, Szczyrzyc and Mszana Dolna). The most important issue was bad technical condition of 2 buildings and general lack of equipment. It made the delivery of care services very difficult. Since the project was implemented, residents of Nursing Homes are satisfied with the quality of stay and availability of basic healthcare delivered by the personel. Two renovated buildings, 702 pieces of equipment and 1028 pieces of furniture are material outcomes of the project, but there are also soft measures. A cycle of preventive examinations in order to diagnose possible cases of cancer was conducted (prostatic hiperplasia; lower intestine; cervix; lungs), because the residents, for various reasons like age, lifestyle and habits, were considered a high risk group. Some of them had also addiction problem in the past, so discussion groups on negative effects of alcohohol abuse and tobacco consumption were organised. In addition, 41 staff members raised their competence in 7 thematic areas (Geriatrics - psychological care; Communication with peaople suffering from dementia; Phisical care of the elderly; Rehabilitation after stroke; Care of the visually impaired; Counteracting addictions; Injuries and fractures-first aid). The overall objective of this project was to improve the availability of health care services as well as promotion activities to reduce the mortality rate of cancer. All of these objectives as well as project indicators have been achieved.
Summary of bilateral results