The need for a pre-defined project is based on challenges experienced by Polish self-government units and their representatives at all levels in co-operation both at strategic and operational level. The capacity building of self-government units will allow for the preparation of proposals submitted under the open call in the programme. The pre-defined project will also support beneficiaries in implementation of their projects through on-going technical assistance and training, exchange of experience, it will contribute to disseminate 'lessons learnt' to other local government units throughout the country, and will prepare a set of legislative and regulatory recommendations for the government and/or parliament, which is aimed at facilitating implementation of similar activities involving inter-sectoral and inter-municipal cooperation in the country.
Summary of project results
The project has achieved the expected objective: to strengthen the competence of Polish local governments to cooperate between their entities and with other sectors (NGOs, universities , entrepreneurs etc.) through advisory support, development of knowledge and skills of cooperation in the framework of local partnerships, and to develop and disseminate methods and tools of cooperation. The Beneficiary was regularly monitoring the satisfaction of the local government units because of participation in the projects activities . According to the feedback predefined project turned out to be the perfect tool for support of local governments both in the preparation and implementation of projects. It turns out that Polish local governments, particularly the smaller ones, because of the limited personal capacity often have difficulties in joining the competitions and the proper implementation of projects. In this field predefined project perfectly realized his assumptions. The project completed all actions founded, developed all planned products using nearly 100% of the grant. Pre-defined project: • positively influenced the improvement of territorial management of functional areas; • resulted in permanent inclusion of partners from all sectors in dialogue at local/regional level • educated partnerships on the process of strategic planning • defined the models of cooperation and developed practical tools to support cooperation (Simulations for multiannual financial planning – tool to evaluate the financial consequences of the planned investments for the future budgets of local governments ( extension for software reporting system BeSTi @ of the Ministry of Finance); The methodology for estimating the value of the components of municipal property from the point of view of the development potential of local governments and their partnerships; a new section in the e Good Practices Database on intergovernmental cooperation ; Interactive portals,;); • Identified formal, legal barriers and proposed changes in this area, including changes in legislation - development of legislative recommendations • spread the ideas of cooperation and participation among Polish local governments and enabled the transfer of knowledge and experience from Norwegian entities;
Summary of bilateral results
Predefined project was implemented by the Association of Polish Cities (ZMP), Association of Polish Counties (ZPP) and the Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland in cooperation with a partner from Donor States - the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS). KS was content-related partner of ZMP from the stage of preparing the application, which resulted from the earlier years of successful cooperation between the two organizations in the implementation of other projects. Throughout the duration of the project PL06-01 joint activities of Polish self-governments corporations and their Norwegian counterpart were such exemplary partnership based on mutual respect, consensus and commitment. Both the Polish partners, as well as Norwegian for more than four years continuously benefited from mutual knowledge and rich experience. KS was involved primarily in: - consultations on the implementation of the project during the meetings of the Steering Committee; - the preparation, coordination and implementation of the 5 study visits in Norway for 70 representatives of the Polish local government units - coordinating the transfer of Norwegian experience and knowledge at conferences, seminars and workshops, attended by representatives from various Norwegian entities; - assistance in establishing direct bilateral relations between the Polish and Norwegian governments - support the development of a standard model of cross-governmental and cross-sectoral partnerships in functional areas.