Blue Report - monitoring of the procedure of Blue Cards in Warsaw

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association OPTA
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 29,161
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Warszawa

More information


The project objective is to perform pilot monitoring of implementation of the procedure of Blue Cards in Warsaw. The data obtained will give the picture of the real assistance for persons suffering from violence. Analysis of intervention and support processes will help to prepare a report and recommendations for trainings, as well as to propose changes in Blue Card forms. The long-term effect will be raising the knowledge of persons implementing the procedure, so that they take into account problems and resources of violence victims. In this way, their rights will be better protected.

Summary of project results

"In 2010, the Act on counteracting violence in families was amended. The regulation of the Council of Ministers of 2011 introduced the procedure of the Blue Card (NK) as a tool for intervening in cases of domestic violence, combining competencies of institutions responsible for counteracting violence. Since that time, nobody led any surveys to check whether the NK procedure meets the needs of victims, and whether the activities are led with due respect for their dignity and rights. The aim of the project was to monitor the NK procedure in Warsaw and to check whether the activities meet the needs of victims, whether they receive a real help. The analysis was supposed to fill the existing gap and help to prepare recommendations for work of and trainings for services, and thus to better enforce the rights of victims. A pilot monitoring of NK procedure was led in Warsaw from the perspective of persons experiencing violence. The survey covered 131 persons. The data gathered gave the picture of the real help offered to persons experiencing violence. The pilot monitoring showed that in the opinion of victims, activities of services were not satisfactory. The surveyed were critical as to e.g. work of the police, lengthiness of procedures and insufficient use of isolation measures. They indicated the key role of psychological assistance. A report and recommendations for services were prepared for future implementation of the NK procedure and for trainings, a paper with the results of monitoring was published (350 copies), a conference presenting results was organised. The analysis of the intervention and support processes and the prepared materials can be used by assistance institutions, social organisations and ZI to enhance the activities for victims, enforcing their rights, empowering them and preventing their repeated victimisation. The project benefited persons experiencing violence, Warsaw institutions implementing the NK procedure, members of ZI, working groups and NGOs active for counteracting violence in families. The partner of the project was the city of Warsaw, co-preparing research tools, cooperating in recruitment, developing recommendations and conference organisation. The Association has been cooperating with the Partner for years in the field of counteracting violence in families."

Summary of bilateral results