The project objective is to test methods to enhance participation of inhabitants in the process of accepting local land management plans. The project will be implemented in Warsaw. Its recipients are local inhabitants, stakeholders and public officers. Methods: informational and educational activities (infobox, open air exhibitions, informational materials), workshops with the participation of designer and external expert in urban designing, consultations with a model and mediation. We want to develop new tools, to test new methods of including inhabitants voice in space planning and to work out recommendations to local land management plans.
Summary of project results
"The Act on land planning contains provisions on participation of inhabitants and defines its minimum scope. It is very technical and complex, and thus limits participation on the early stages of developing plans, confining the discussion to the last stage where inhabitants try to block adoption of unwanted plans. The aim of the project ""Warsaw local land management plans - in search for a participatory model"" was to test methods for broadening social consultations in land management planning to achieve more effective participation of inhabitants in developing local land management plans. The experiences gathered during the processes helped to prepare recommendations on enhancing participation in local land management planning in Warsaw. Under the project, three pilot consultations were led concerning three planning procedures (in all over 1200 inhabitants). Tools for social consultations were developed: initial research, information booklet on the local plan, architectural excursion, diagnostic workshops, Internet geo-questionnaire in two versions, mobile consultation pavilion for outdoor presentation of draft plans, a maquette, space education. The Association ""Odblokuj"" prepared an original method to consult local plans that supports inhabitants, planners, and makes the planning procedure more effective. The planners and local officers appreciated the knowledge gathered from inhabitants that helped to make local plans more tailored to local needs. Under the project, challenges were discussed with experts from different cities and countries. Study journeys became inspiration for activities. As a result of the project and its evaluation, recommendations were prepared on implementation of social consultations within the process of developing plans in Warsaw which are already used in new planning procedures. The experiences gathered under the project are presented in the publication ""plan for plan. participation in local planning"". The recipients of the project were inhabitants of Warsaw, local officers and planners. The partner, the Centre for Social Communication, helped in organising meetings with planners and local officers, and also a workshop and information meetings in institutions cooperating with us: the Rampa Theatre and city district halls."
Summary of bilateral results