Advisory, Assistance And Mediation Services

Project facts

Project promoter:
Professional associaton for public support Civis Sum
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 83,545
The project is carried out in:

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Project objective is to strengthen citizen and community competences of the residents of Zielonogórskie voivodeship. About 1000 people will receive support. Thanks to legal, civic and specialized advisory services the residents will learn about their rights and they will become more skillful in problem-solving. When needed, they will benefit from assistance services, with an assistant accompanying them in government agencies/courts. The mediator will help resolve conflicts without court involvement. Project promoter will cooperate with social welfare center to prepare the volunteers for assistant work. Project implementation will contribute to consolidation of the role of Citizen Advice Bureau in social welfare system.

Summary of project results

"The increasing role of law in everyday life and complexity of legal regulations result in a situation where citizens are often not able to solve their many problems. The lack of support gives rise to indolence and increasing problems, and in consequence lower quality of life and poor social activation. The phenomenon is particularly visible among persons who cannot afford paid legal advice. In Lubuskie voivodeship in 2013 the number of persons using social assistance was 636.5 for every 10 thousand inhabitants, higher than the national average by over 100 persons (GUS, Local Data Bank). The aim of the project was to facilitate access to civil advisory services for poorer inhabitants of the Zielona Góra subregion and to encourage them to solve their own problems. 1635 persons used legal or psychological assistance in five Mobile Advisory Offices and solved their problems. Five Mobile Offices were opened where 2226 legal, civil and specialist advices were given (e.g. in labour law, psychological, from addiction therapist). Lawyers gave 15 open lectures on e.g. inheritance law and cyber-violence. 74 persons and 15 families, supported by advisors, developed individual action plans, and then implemented them with the help from family assistants and civil assistants. Housing guidebook and a guidebook for parents were published (1000 copies each) and distributed among clients, establishments, institutions, assistance organisations. Cooperation was started with local social assistance centres and non-governmental organisations that facilitated reaching the recipients of the project. The project benefited 1635 inhabitants of the Zielona Góra subregion being in particularly difficult life situations. Participation of the Partner guaranteed more comprehensive assistance for families with problems by providing them with the support from special assistants."

Summary of bilateral results