“With Tourette Around Poland" - Program Against Exclusion Of People With Tourette Syndrome

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tourette Syndrome Association of Poland
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 73,913
The project is carried out in:

More information


Main purpose of the project is to counteract exclusion and activate people with Tourette syndrome and support their loved ones, as they are discriminated against and encounter many challenges in connection with the disease. Project is based on the conviction that the risk of exclusion can be reduced through community work (self-help and advice, inter alia), raising awareness among the general public, professional training of volunteers and specialists, inter alia (teachers and physicians included). Project will cover the entire country. Beneficiaries include people with TS, their families, and those who may come across TS at work and elsewhere. It will be implemented in urban and rural areas in partnership with two Polish and one foreign organization (supporting people with TS in Norway). Volunteers - trained and equipped with tools - will work locally using self-help, lectures, integration events meant to activate people with TS and improve their quality of life.

Summary of project results

"Tourette Syndrome (TS) affects 1% of population (""Zespół Tourette'a Fakty"", 2013). It's estimated that in Poland there're about 50,000 of such people. The Association's research proves that level of knowledge about it is insufficient, both among professionals and in the society. People with tic disorder face many problems and are discriminated. People with severe symptoms are totally excluded from social life and normal functioning. Thus, social actions are necessary to incorporate these persons in society. The main aim of the project was to counteract exclusion of the people with TS and their families through preparing the to become local leaders and aiders of the social activities. Thanks to the project realization co-operation with 14 leaders and 27 local activities aiders, who organized 35 local actions. 88 professionals (doctors, teachers, psychologists) were trained on TS. The activities included recruitment and preparation of volunteers (mainly ill people and their families), who took part in 35 local activities as organizers, co-organizers or participants. Local actions were of various nature, depending on needs and volunteers' creativity, e.g. trainings for Teachers' Councils, participation in Live Libraries, presentation of materials during conferences, family picnics, volunteers in the project T-shirts taking part in running events, lectures, talks and information campaigns. 12 trainings on TS were conducted for various groups: volunteers, the ill, families, educators, psychologists, doctors, teachers. Educational leaflet and a short information film with the ill and professionals were produced. The first Polish book ""Oswoić tiki. Praktyczny poradnik o zespole Tourette'a"" was published. Beneficiaries of the project were 41 leaders and aiders and about 2950 participants of local activities. Volunteering Development Foundation helped to create and coordinate of the network of volunteers. Szpitalna NGO Center provided access to premises and office facilities. Norwegian Tourette Association supported the project with their experience in running activities for persons with TS."

Summary of bilateral results

Jointly with the former Norwegian Partner and the new Icelandic Partner, the organisation held an international workshop for young people with Tourette syndrome. Young people from Poland, Norway, and Iceland were all invited to Poland to attend a joint workshop, in the course of which an educational cartoon was produced to make the society aware of what the Tourette syndrome is. One of the main result was activating Tourette syndrome patients and their family and friends through community work and improving public knowledge concerning the disease.