The project objective is counteracting acts of aggression and intolerance between refugees and local community in municipality of Góra Kalwaria, through two types of activities: in local schools (approx. 70 foreign schoolchildren) – additional integration classes together with Polish schoolchildren, in IT, English and visual communication, and in the municipality – dialogue workshops open for all adults (for Polish parents and refugee parents from the Centre in Linin, for teachers), led using the Norwegian method “Nansen Dialogue” – local activities. Broader activities: model integration classes and dialogue workshops open for Polish education workers, led by Norwegian trainers from Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, an organisation active for 20 years and nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize that led 400 workshops in the former Yugoslavia to reconcile the parties of ethnic war; 10 schools, also in Srebrenica, implement this model of integrating education. partner organisation will also participate at the discussion following theatr performance and at the summing up conference.
Summary of project results
"According to the TNS Public Opinion Polling Centre, the Góra Kalwaria residents have reservations with regard to refugees inhabiting the local Centre in Linin. The municipality tested a variety of measures to integrate foreigners and prevent ethnicity-based conflicts. Interviews held by the organisation in September 2014 prove that some problems remain unresolved, such as hate speech on the web, the reluctance of Polish parents to integrate with refugees, and the isolation of refugee students from Polish pupils. The project purpose was to integrate refugees with the local Góra Kalwaria community by alleviating mutual fear and unfriendliness, and changing Polish parents' attitude to sending their children to multicultural classes. A group of educators specialising in the Nansen dialogue method were to be duly trained to work in Poland. The project allowed an improvement in the attractiveness of multicultural classes, reduction in fear of foreigners, and education of new trainers for purposes of Nansen dialogue workshops. Six hundred and forty-two hours of IT, English language, and visual communication classes were offered to Polish and foreign students in the Góra Kalwaria municipality. Integration trips were organised for pupils. Dialogue workshops (96 hours, for beginner and advanced groups) were organised for a large group of attendees, including 8 hours targeting parents only. Sixteen trainers were educated in the Nansen dialogue method. A debate, conference, documentary film screening, and exhibition of pupils' drawings were organised. Extracurricular and integration activities were attended by 118 students, including 41 foreigners. Two hundred and ninety-nine adults (including 64 refugees) were trained in the Nansen dialogue method. Ninety persons attended classes for parents. The conferences and debate were attended by 145 persons. The Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue (Norway) was the partner - their trainers delivered Nansen dialogue classes. Polish trainers learned more about the Partner organisation experience during a study visit. Final report not approved due to the irregularities.
Summary of bilateral results
The Foundation was going to take care of the preparation of mobile Crisis Groups in small communities. It established contact with Nansen Dialogue Centre specialising in conflict resolution, especially in communities affected by war or other disasters. Representatives of the Foundation took part in a study visit to Norway, where Nansen reoresentatives prepared a seminar focusing on the "dialogue method". After the seminar the idea for the project was modified. The Foundation received a grant for a partnership project aiming to prevent aggression and intolerance towards refugees in Gora Kalwaria.