The project is about advocacy activities for implementation of the Standards of Perinatal Care, including a systemic change in availability of individual midwife care in pregnancy under the public health insurance system. The project is a continuation of long-lasting efforts by the Foundation to introduce in the Polish healthcare system common medical standards based on the Rights of Patients and the newest medical procedures. Our activities are addressed to decision-makers; we will build a coalition of patient organisations and launch informational and educational campaign directed to women on their rights in perinatal care. Organisations gathered around the project will exert pressure on medical personnel and public institutions responsible for implementation of SPC. As a result, the decision-makers should take action to eliminate legal barriers for practical implementation of SPC.
Summary of project results
Since 2011, in Poland the ministerial regulation has been in force (the so-called Perinatal Care Standards - PCS) defining the methods of perinatal care. It is based on patient rights, strengthens women in the system and introduces effective medical procedures. Experiences of the Foundation show that the provisions were not observed in most hospitals, and the decision-makers failed to introduce control and monitoring systems. PCS remained on paper and women could not exercise their rights. If childbirth conditions are to improve in Poland, the PCS must be implemented. The biggest obstacle is the lack of control and enforcement in healthcare units where PCS are not observed and the low awareness of women themselves on their rights. The aim of the project was to encourage the Ministry of Health (MH) to create a team to prepare a real plan for implementing PCS and a system for perinatal care monitoring, and to develop recommendations on necessary legal amendments. The project included advocacy for creating the team, interventions when women rights were violated, and information campaign for women. Under the project, 35 meetings with decision-makers were held, and legal analysis on midwife services was prepared. A coalition of 20 organisations active in the field of reproductive healthcare was created. Availability of gynaecological-obstetric care was checked in the National Healthcare Fund - the survey showed that many irregularities can be found in informing women on services available to them. Information campaign was led, animations, iconographies and radio information broadcasts on PCS provisions were prepared, as well as 35 expert articles. The Week of Dignified Childbirth was organised and in over 100 localities lectures on PCS were attended by about 3000 persons. As a result of the activities, the team was created in MH, the coalition was launched, 4 legal acts were commented, cooperation was started with local activists for women and children, several thousand of women got acquainted with their rights in perinatal care. The activities benefited: women and their families, MH and NHF officials, NGOs and local activists.
Summary of bilateral results