PTSD Mission

Project facts

Project promoter:
Szarik Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 53,587
The project is carried out in:

More information


Project addresses two significant problems observed among members of uniformed services at risk of exclusion due to PTSD: lack of knowledge about the problems and lack of a safe, friendly place where they could get some tangible assistance and fix their problems without risking workplace implications. The first deliverable is the first comprehensive PTSD communication and education campaign in Poland targeted at the veterans and their families. Another deliverable is the establishment of an intervention and therapy center where each member of uniformed services who is in mental crisis can obtain required psychological support (inpatient and outpatient), as well as legal, social, etc. assistance. Beneficiaries include, inter alia, a group of about 30 thousand veterans of Polish military missions abroad and their families. 200 patients will benefit from support of the intervention and therapy center (100 inpatients and 100 outpatients). Project will be implemented by a civil organization fully independent from the military, so that the beneficiaries can have a guarantee of discretion and security.

Summary of project results

"Polish specialists estimate that about 10% of soldiers coming back from the missions have psychological problems, which often lead to alcohol abuse, drugs addiction, family breakdown, neuroses and suicidal thoughts. The data of the Ministry of National Defense prove that in 2013, 212(of over 30 thousand taking part in missions) veterans benefited from help of the army psychologists. Non-civilian personnel do not trust the army doctors and psychologists. They are afraid that their health problems will be revealed by their superiors. The data available for the Organization prove that in Poland there is not enough resourceful materials devoted to PTSD. The goal of the project was to provide veterans and their families with information on PTSD and founding an intervention and therapeutic spot serving psychological help independent from the army structures. The information about PTSD has reached about 8 thousand persons thanks to a published guide-book ""To Understand PTSD"" and Internet service An intervention and therapeutic Asylum Argos was founded. 274 soldiers, police officers and paramedics have benefited help from it. Informational-educational campaign has been carried out, including: Internet service (14, 060 visits) has been launched, Facebook profile was created (477 fans), a 20-pages guide-book "" To Understand PTSD"" (3,000 items) was published, posters (200) and leaflets on the campaign and the Internet service (5,000) - distribution in the army environment and among paramedics. The Asylum Argos (10 accommodation places) has been founded. Stationary patients (114) have been provided with individual meetings with a psychologist (1-2 times a week, depending on needs), a group therapy, also with participation of dogs, (1 meeting a week), society meetings (1 time a week), psycho-educational activities (2 a week), training on communication (1 meeting a week), training on relaxation (2 a week), film therapy (2 a week), psychic drawing (1 meeting a week); ambulatory patients (160) - meetings with a psychologist (1 - 2 meetings a week). 274 soldiers, police officers and paramedics mainly from Masovian Voivodeship have benefited the direct help."

Summary of bilateral results