New methods of participatory planning of transport infrastructure

Project facts

Project promoter:
Polish Society for Futures Studies
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 70,869
The project is carried out in:

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Based on unique experiences of partners and the leader, the project aims at preparing, testing and implementing new solutions for effective social consultations. The project will result in developing and pilot testing of methods and (also IT) tools that will enhance planning of transport infrastructure through effective participation of citizens and civic organisations in decision-making processes. The new tools take into account factors that have been so far omitted, such as spatial reach of interests and long-term consequences of decisions, and limit the negative impact of individual and group factors that hampered participation (psychological and cultural factors giving unjustified dominating position). In the land planning process, we will use geo-visualisation, modern IT tools to stimulate rational debate, and information on localisation of the participants of the planning process.

Summary of project results

"In the recent decade, the infrastructural investments in Poland have accelerated. The controversies that arose around some of the investments have been to a great extent connected with the low quality of social consultations. The project was aimed at responding to the problem through preparing solutions conducive to high quality of consultations concerning transport and infrastructure, inspired by the methodology used in foresight. The project resulted in testing methods together with IT tools, taking into account e.g. the spatial scope of interests and long-term effects of decisions,, and limiting the negative impact for participation of individual characteristics and group processes. To achieve the aims of the project, we used the experiences of the partners: the Town Hall in Płock and Jernbaneverket (the Norwegian agency for railway network management). Together with the partners, the principles and the concept of a novel IT tool were developed. The tool was tested during pilot consultations concerning bicycle infrastructure in Płock. Based on the results of the consultations, the IT tool was refined, and experiences from the process were described in the publication ""Foresight and Participation"". The new tool is a valuable addition to other methods used in consultations. It enhances availability, easiness and speed of obtaining valuable contribution from the society to planning, and enhances consensus. The consultations led in Płock showed that using geo-visualisation was a good solution. The Norwegian partner contributed to the project their experiences and adherence to participation, manifested in particular formal solutions. They formed a reference point in developing the tool. Without the Polish partner, it would be impossible to adapt the tool to the Polish realities and to test it. The project directly benefited the Town Hall in Płock which will take into account opinions from the town inhabitants on development of bicycle infrastructure. The consultations led will benefit the local community in Płock. Indirect beneficiaries of the project include institutions that will use the developed tool in the future, contributing to higher quality of planning throughout the country. Every Polish public institution can use the results of the project."

Summary of bilateral results

Measure A The organization wanted to submit a project on participatory planning of the public transport infastructure. It invited a few Norwegian partners and experts in the field of participation and solving social conflicts in infrastructure projects in order to learn from their experience. A study visit to Oslo was organised - representatives of PSFS met with expers from Jernbaneverkert (manager of railway lines) and Subito! Research & Futuresheld company. The organization submitted an application in the third call for proposals for the thematic projects and it was awarded with a grant. Measure B With a view to strengthen co-operation with one of the Norwegian partners (Subito! company) and to get in touch with new institutions, two study visits to Norway and a seminar in Oslo (focusing on improving the quality of long-term planning and participation in transport infrastructure planning) were organised. The seminar was an opportunity to join forces for purposes of designing an operational layout for the community of practitioners from participant institutions, the PSFS included. Organisation's representatives expanded their knowledge concerning participation in transport infrastructure planning and innovative solutions applied in Norway.