In Poland many public facilities are not accessible for people with disabilities. Project objective is to empower vulnerable groups by helping people with disabilities (PD) function independently and fully enjoy all areas of life. To that purpose, accessibility audit will be carried out for selected public utility facilities in Białystok. Facilities accessible to PD will be identified and described in detail. Thus, project beneficiaries will include disabled residents (and visitors) in Białystok, who will be informed about safe and friendly public areas. This information will also be useful to non-disabled people who move around with baby prams, heavy luggage, etc. Audit will be done by testers with various types of disabilities and by volunteers, and the data collected will be published on a web portal serving as information platform for all disabled people. Project essence is thus reflected in the name: “Able Białystok".
Summary of project results
"People with disabilities encounter multiple barriers, both social, stemming from the mentality of some part of society, as well as technical - related with urban architecture, which prevent them from fully participating in public life. As a result they withdraw from social life and spend the majority of their time at home. The City Hall in Białystok estimates show that 30,000 citizens with inabilities live there. Surveys on the needs of people with disabilities, carried out by the grantee in 2012, have shown how important it would be to collect information about locations that are accessible and adapted to the needs of this group of people. The project was aimed at counteracting exclusion through the provision of information about disabled-friendly places and encouraging such persons to participate in the life of the city. An interactive map of accessibility was launched online, covering 80 facilities accessible to the disabled and news about activities in Białystok dedicated to people with disabilities. 25 volunteers (including 8 with disabilities) were trained to check the accessibility of facilities and to provide assistance to people with disabilities getting around in urban spaces. An audit of 80 public facilities was performed by persons with various types of disabilities accompanied by volunteers. Information about these facilities was published on a website regularly hosting information also about events for people with disabilities in Białystok. A brochure including descriptions of disability-friendly facilities was published for those without the access to the internet (240 copies) and disseminated through organizations and institutions working for that community. Disabled residents (and visitors) of Białystok, as well as people with baby strollers, are benefiting from the project. From the launch date 2,180 people visited the website (9,187 views). The partner provided consultations on the activities rolled out, participated in audits and training courses, drawing from the experience gained in working with the blind and visually impaired."
Summary of bilateral results