Cogito Expert

Project facts

Project promoter:
Open The Door Association
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 15,188
The project is carried out in:

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Project involves self-help and self-organization of people with mental illnesses (PMI) in Małopolskie voivodeship; it addresses the issue of social exclusion of PMI. “Cogito Expert" program - project deliverable - is targeted at PMI and adapted to their needs. It will include the components of personal development and trainer competences. Thanks to the program, a group of trainers - experienced experts will be created, in order to develop future trainers with the experience of an illness who will be able to offer comprehensive support to other patients through education and increased motivation for self-actualization. PMI will be involved in decision-taking process concerning the shape of the program through participation of 2 PMI representatives on the Expert Team responsible for framing the program, and through social consultations of the program (held twice). In total, the program will be consulted by 70 PMI. Then, a pilot of the program will be carried out with a group of 10 PMI.

Summary of project results

"The number of persons with diagnosed mental illness who start treatment has been steadily rising. The specificity of mental illness is that it leads to social exclusion (surveys show that as much as 75% of schizophrenia patients in Poland have disability pensions as persons unable to work). It is important to include the mentally ill persons themselves in the process of treatment of mental disorders, because they have the resources to support other patients and share with them the knowledge based on their own experience on how to cope with the illness. The aim of the project was to support mentally ill persons through creating a training program for trainers - so called experts by experience. Based on the program, persons with the experience of mental illness will be prepared to provide competent assistance to other patients. As a result of the implementation of the project, the program ""Cogito Expert"" was created, based on which first 12 trainers were trained - persons with the experience of mental illness who are willing to give assistance to other patients through education and motivation for self-development. The program ""Cogito Expert"" was developed and consulted with two groups of mentally ill persons - each gathering 35 persons. Then, a pilot training was conducted for 12 persons with experience of mental illness that in all covered 56 training hours. Beneficiaries of the project were 82 mentally ill persons, out of which 70 persons participated in social consultations, and 12 took part in the pilot training under the ""Cogito Expert"" program."

Summary of bilateral results