Senior 60+ citizens of Nasielsk participate in developing senior strategy for the city activities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Help Then Needy Association on 'Hope'
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 68,608
The project is carried out in:

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In Nasielsk there is no strategic document concerning senior citizens' needs. Local officials from Nasielsk see them only as recipients of care, health services, and services for disabled people. They ignore their other needs, and more importantly - their social potential. Through our participatory activities we want to include seniors in decision-making processes, and in the development of senior strategy of activities in Nasielsk. We are the most active senior NGO in the county of Legionowo, cooperating with other NGOs and local government. The mayor of Nasielsk gave his support for the senior strategy. At least 380 people will take part in the activities, mostly not associated with NGOs, but also some members of senior organisations. We will see to the participatory nature of the process. Indirectly 3213 people will benefit from our project. Our partner, FPK, will bring their experience in participatory processes, social diagnoses, diagnosing the needs of seniors, and evaluating the existing systemic solutions and proposing new ones.

Summary of project results

"In recent years, in Nasielsk a systematic weakening of activity of the inhabitants aged 60+ could have been observed. One of the reasons for the situation was insufficient interest in this social group from the representatives of local authorities and social organisations who ignored their diversity and potential. The project was a response to the situation where seniors from Nasielsk were seen by officers from local institutions only in the context of care services provision. The aim of the project was to include the inhabitants aged 60+ in building civil society in Nasielsk. As a result of the project activities, the Senior Strategy for the Town of Nasielsk was prepared for the years 2015-2020, and adopted in a resolution of the Town Council. The local officers also appreciated the potential of seniors living in Nasielsk. Under the project, a diagnosis of the needs of seniors was conducted (380 questionnaires, three research walks, three consultation meetings), and then in three thematic teams the strategy was developed. The draft of the document was consulted during 12 workshops, comments could also have been presented using phone or e-mail. The final version of the strategy was presented during a ceremonial event in the local cultural centre and adopted in a resolution of the Town Council The Partner, the Foundation Unit for Competencies, contributed their experiences in the field of participatory processes, social diagnoses, defining needs of disabled persons and seniors, and reviewing and presenting solutions in the process of developing local public policies. The other partner, the County Employment Bureau, delegated a trainee to the project and shared their experiences in the field of developing social policy. 380 inhabitants of Nasielsk aged 60+ participated in the project."

Summary of bilateral results