Citizens' city. Supporting community councils in Poznań

Project facts

Project promoter:
ALTUM Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 54,931
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Poznań

More information


In 2011 community councils in Poznań were given more responsibilities and also bigger budget. In March 2015 the first term of office after that will end. The project aims at promoting subsidiary local government bodies, encouraging the inhabitants of Poznań to participate in community councils and to vote in community councils elections. The project will include: summing up the last term of community councils and promoting their work, encouraging inhabitants to vote in subsidiary local government elections, educational support for newly elected community councillors after the elections on their tasks in subsidiary local government bodies, creating an informational and control portal on the activities of community councils. The project's results should be permanent thanks to activities such as the portal and the councillor's handbook. The recipients of the project's activities will be all inhabitants of the city, community councillors, local government and the city authorities.

Summary of project results

"In 2011, in Poznań a comprehensive reform of activities of subsidiary units was introduced. Their number was reduced, while their competencies were broadened and they were granted more funds. The reform released great reserves of social energy among inhabitants of the city. Nevertheless, the turnout in the first district elections after the reform was only 7.72%, and the councils still relied in their activities on relatively closed group of people. The aim of the project was on the one hand to support district councillors and on the other to popularise the knowledge on district councils among inhabitants of Poznań. We succeeded to arouse interest among inhabitants of Poznań in the activities of the district councils - the awareness of district elections rose from 5% to 70%. The knowledge and competencies of councillors improved as a result of trainings and advisory activities. They learnt how district councils work, what are their competencies and how to engage inhabitants and include them in decision-making processes. Under the project, a survey was conducted on district councils among inhabitants of Poznań and district councillors (450 persons were surveyed), a debate was organised to sum up 4 years of activities of district councils after the reform (96 participants), a campaign to improve turnout was led before the elections to district councils. 9 trainings were organised for new councillors (276 participants). In addition, for 5 months, a special advisor, so-called ""Council Assistant"", gave 27 advises to councillors. A handbook for district councillors was published and a portal was launched, being a knowledge base on district councils in Poznań. The surveys and the campaign were addressed to all inhabitants of Poznań, while the trainings and advisory services were directed to district councillors. The partner of the project - the City Hall of Poznań co-financed the surveys and supported other activities professionally and organisationally."

Summary of bilateral results