In Poland the support for children with autism and their families is insufficient. Key goal of the project is to counteract exclusion through support for people with autism (PA), their families and professionals on the basis of specialized advisory services. The project is targeted at individuals from all over the country, from urban as well as rural areas. Advisory services will be provided in person, on the phone, and by e-mail. PA and their families will be involved in the decision-taking process concerning the forms and scope of support, during consultation meetings, consultations done via internet forum, and a survey available from Foundation website. The project will be carried out in partnership with the Association for People with Autism (SPOA) from Zielona Góra. Both organizations will offer advisory services and support, and when defining the scope of services required they will take into account regional characteristics (FS is located in an agglomeration, SPOA in a town with less than 120 000 residents). An information leaflet for social assistance professionals in direct contact with PA with communication package focused on PA needs will be produced.
Summary of project results
"Persons with autism (PwA) and their families often live at the margin of the society. About 40,000 children and 20,000 adults struggle with this problem in Poland. Parents of PwA are often not aware of their rights, because public institutions are incapable to give them any reliable information. Research findings presented in the publication “Report 2013. Autism - situation of adults"", clearly indicate the necessity to establish specialist counseling regarding PwA rights, as well as prepare informational materials about autism and systemic forms of assistance for PwA and their families. The objective of the project was to counteract exclusion of persons with autism (PwA) through specialized counseling for PwA and their families, as well as for the employees of social welfare, rehabilitation, education and health care. Thanks to the project, knowledge about autism was spread - 1,226 people received specialized advice and support; informational leaflets were published. The activities covered counseling on autism and Asperger syndrome for PwA parents, professionals from various facilities and institutions and persons with Asperger syndrome, who were looking for help themselves (2,774 counsels). Counseling covered legal, civic, social, educational, therapeutic, social- and “parent to parent"" aspects. There were 153 letters of appeal prepared and 15 interventions carried out within the frames of counseling. 4 informational and counseling meetings were organized for a group of about 20 people. 16 e-informers with data about facilities for persons with autism in each Province were updated. Informational leaflets about autism and Asperger syndrome were printed (10,000 copies). The contents of the leaflets was consulted with persons with Asperger syndrome. Benefciaries of the project included 1,226 people in need of specialized counseling on issues related to autism and Asperger syndrome. The project Partner provided information about the situation of people and their families from the perspective of a region located far from Warsaw, and has used experiences in employing persons with Asperger syndrome and included it in the leaflets."
Summary of bilateral results