Counteracting various aspects of violence towards immigrant women in Pomorskie region.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Network of East-West Women, NEWW
Project Number:
Target groups
Foreign migrant workers,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 23,187
The project is carried out in:

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In Pomorskie voivodeship, support in the field of violence against women is not provided to migrants and members of ethnic minorities who are exposed to violence based on gender and motivated by prejudice. The project objective is to counteract various aspects of violence against immigrant women and female members of the Romani minority in Pomorskie. Research, lobbying, strategic, educational, and support activities will be conducted, as well as activities popularizing knowledge on the rights of immigrant women, types of violence they suffer and available support tools. The first regional report on the level of protection for immigrant women, a list of recommendations on the model of protection and support expected by immigrant women in Pomorskie, and a strategy for cooperation in counteracting women traffic and forced labor will be prepared. Educational and advisory activities will be conducted, and a conference to sum up the project will be organized. A network of cooperation and lobbying for protection of women against violence will be created. In the long run, the activities are aimed at building gender-sensitive immigrant policy in Pomorskie.

Summary of project results

"Reports show that migrant women and representatives of ethnic minorities are among the most exposed to gender-based and prejudice-driven violence, and the least protected against it. Measures for counteracting violence against women are scarce in the Pomeranian Province, and available assistance fails to take into consideration the special situation of women immigrants and members of ethnic minorities. The project aimed to enable immigrant women to have access to the existing forms of aid by raising their awareness about violence and informing them about the possibility to seek help, as well as to improve services offered by local institutions and aid organisations by taking into account cultural differences. The project enabled 18 immigrant women acquire knowledge about violence and benefit from legal and psychological support. 43 persons representing various institutions and organisations were trained within the subject of violence against immigrant women. Five workshops and training courses in total were organised for immigrant women (18 people) and public institutions and organisations (43 people), developing their knowledge and sensitivity to the problem of violence. During a seminar members of interdisciplinary teams on violence from Tricity together with immigrant women launched a network against violence. Leaflets in Russian and English were published (20,000 copies), presenting the phenomenon of violence and including contact details of trusted, trained specialists. An online report was published covering legal information on the protection of immigrants in Poland, the specificities of violence based on gender, origin, migration status etc.; interviews with immigrant women who have experienced violence, and recommendations. 28h of legal assistance and 56h of psychological assistance were provided to women experiencing violence or discrimination. An expert on discrimination, a Roma woman, has intervened with regards to Roma community matters, educating and promoting Roma culture and perspectives. Immigrant women and employees of local institutions and organisations took part in the project. The project’s partner input included expertise within migration and facilitation of contacts with women immigrants."

Summary of bilateral results