Care for the elderly in the family requires competence and close family relationships. Support for family members who are care-givers for dependent elderly citizens is insufficient in Poland. Project objective is to empower vulnerable groups by providing family care-givers with diverse and complementary forms of support in order to strengthen their competence as care-givers and improve their mental condition and psychological and social abilities in the context of their role. Project agenda includes: a series of workshops, support groups (transitioning into self-help groups), seminars with specialists, and continuous help of qualified volunteers. As a supplement and follow-up of direct activities, a dedicated website will be developed and an educational brochure for care-givers will be prepared, also with social assistance institutions in mind. Project will help to minimize a sense of loneliness, even isolation, which accompanies family care. At least 200 persons will take part in project activities. The project will be focused on Warsaw residents, and thanks to the website it will have nation-wide coverage.
Summary of project results
"Nearly 40% and 65% senior citizens (aged 65+) require permanent care and regular assistance, respectively (Central Statistical Office, 2012). One in every four senior citizens remains in the care of a household member; one in every four is a caregiver, usually to a spouse (Social Diagnosis, 2013). There are few educational programmes preparing the society for ageing: caregivers thus lack basic knowledge of age-related processes and health issues. The project goal was to reduce the sense of isolation, and improve guardianship and psychosocial competencies of family caregivers to dependent senior citizens by providing diverse and complementary support. The project resulted in an improvement of the mental condition of family caregivers to senior citizens, expansion of their knowledge, improvement of caregiver competencies, and an expansion of social contacts (75-80% persons - evaluation questionnaire data). Workshop sessions were held (4 series of 5 meetings 10 hours each, 2 series of 4 meetings 5 hours each for a total of 80 caregivers) to teach understanding of and communicating with senior citizens, handling cognitive functionality disorders, sustaining intellectual abilities and independence, handling death and dying, overcoming caregiver stress, and burnout prevention. Workshop attendants were assisted by 2 support groups (8 and 12 caregivers, 20 and 10 meetings two hours each, respectively). Six open seminars with experts were held (3 on old-age diseases, 3 on pharmacotherapy, institutional and organisational support of caring for senior citizens, and patient rights). The option of assistance by duly trained volunteers (2 workshops 8 hours each for 11 persons) was offered. Follow-up activities included a website and educational brochure (1,000 copies) for family caregivers and social support institutions. Beneficiaries included Warsaw residents (400 persons aged 40-85) - caregivers to senior citizens (one or both parents, spouses, siblings, other relatives)."
Summary of bilateral results