Give Uniformed Services A Helping... Paw

Project facts

Project promoter:
Szarik Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 14,665
The project is carried out in:

More information


"The project is of pioneering nature at a national scale. “Szarik Foundation"" has been the first organization in Poland to permanently introduce dogs into the therapy of traumatised and stressed uniformed service members. The project will involve over 450 patients of Ministry of Internal Affairs Hospital in Otwock - members of the Police, Prison Guard, and State Firefighting Services. The project will address the issue of stress-related trauma, which is an increasingly poignant issue in that occupational group, translating into higher risk of job loss, family disintegration, even suicide. Thanks to the presence of a dog, combined with an original counselling scheme involving a dog, patients are more motivated, they can master constructive stress mitigation methods and communication techniques to better interact with other people. As a result, the therapy becomes more efficient and members of uniformed services are able to resume their service for the society."

Summary of project results

"According to expert estimates, 13% of policemen and 18% of firemen are endangered by the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and approx. 90% of prison service officers complain about a chronic stress. Also every tenth of Polish veterans from foreign missions is endangered by PTSD. Data from the Central Labour Protection Institute show the growing problem of psychological traumas caused by stress in those professional groups that create risk of job loss, family breakdown, and also increase the risk of suicide. The aim of the project was to strengthen the therapy of neurotic disorders among officers of uniformed services, using a new method of therapeutic work with the participation of a dog, and thus to reduce the risk of exclusion of officers of uniformed services during psychological crisis. Psychotherapy with the participation of a dog improved the quality of the therapy conducted at the Ward for Treatment of Neurotic Disorders in the Specialist Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Otwock. Over 89% of patients declared that participation in sessions with a dog had positive effects by enhancing their skills to cope with stress and to overcome life difficulties, and that they will use information gained during the sessions in their lives after leaving the hospital. During 8 6-week turns, psychologist included a dog in the therapeutic process and conducted group sessions (4 every week, in all 177 sessions) for all patients, as well as individual sessions. Individual sessions, mainly for persons diagnosed with PTSD, had usually intervention form, limited to 2-3 meetings for each person (in all 182 meetings). Group therapy was used by 470 patients, and individual therapy was used by 41 of them. Surveys of state of health questionnaires were conducted, as well as questionnaire surveys of patients, based on which preventive programs, psychological support programs and stress management trainings can be developed. The therapy led under the project was used by 470 patients of the Specialist Hospital of the MIA, mainly policemen (334 officers) and prison guard service employees (63 persons), as well as employees of fireguards and border guards, and soldiers-veterans."

Summary of bilateral results