The aim of the project is to help schools and teachers to develop effective policies for preventing prejudice-motivated violence in school and successfully conducting anti-discrimination education, required by the law. The project entails studying the school reality with regard to the abovementioned issues; developing strategy of operations according to the individual needs and context; presenting the best practices; promoting teachers’ ethical rules concerning anti-discrimination education, developed by ZNP (Union of Polish Teachers) and known as the Declaration of Ethics of the Teaching Profession, as well as increasing the competence of the representatives of key institutions of the education system, regarding the planning, implementing and evaluating anti-discrimination actions in the school reality. The project begins with direct work with schools and teachers and then takes those experiences to the institutional level, promoting the best diagnosed solutions.
Summary of project results
"2011-2012 Campaign Against Homophobia research has proven the need to make homophobia-related issues part of the school curriculum. Aforementioned studies prove schools to be the first place where LGB persons encounter sexual orientation-based discrimination. Most cases of violence go unnoticed by teachers - victims are reluctant to come forward, and staff have limited insight as to student relations. The project purpose was to draft model solutions in the field of preventing sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination at school. Top anti-discrimination practices were collected in the “Lesson in Equality"" publication, copies distributed to representatives of the formal education system. The project kicked off with direct co-operation with four schools and the teacher community, to then proceed to the institutional level by promoting best-diagnosed solutions in the “Lesson in Equality. Anti-Discrimination Work at School"" publication. Six nationwide events were held (workshops, conferences, and seminars) to provide formal education representatives with knowledge of tools required to support schools in efficient anti-discrimination education, and preventing sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination. A Teacher's Code of Ethics was drafted and promoted; the website was reactivated as a source of knowledge on anti-discrimination and anti-homophobic education in Polish schools. The partner organisation was responsible for promoting project results (model solutions in preventing discrimination and prejudice-based violence at school) in the teacher community, and for drafting the Teacher's Code of Ethics. Beneficiaries included 260 formal education system representatives (participants of project result promoting events), and 4 schools where anti-discrimination activities were implemented)."
Summary of bilateral results