Academy of Discrimination Tests

Project facts

Project promoter:
Polish Society of Antidiscrimination Law
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 70,882
The project is carried out in:

More information


The goal of this project is to provide non-governmental organisations active in the fields of preventing discrimination on the basis of gender, age, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion and creed with the skills to effectively use anti-discrimination law and, in particular, to obtain evidence through so-called discrimination tests. Throughout Europe the tool is considered as one of the most effective means of collecting evidence in discrimination proceedings and consists of using a precise method of checking the legality of the actions of subjects suspected of unequal treatment. 6 month training is planned for 15 members of NGO’s, 4-6 organisations would lead discrimination tests, toolkit on discrimination tests would be compiled (400 copies). Organisations located all over the country will be at the receiving end. The project will include the passing on of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Partner would support all project’s actions.

Summary of project results

"All across Europe, discrimination testing is regarded as one of the most effective forms of evidence in discrimination trials and a precise method for checking the legality of operations of entities that have been accused of unequal treatment. One of the greatest roadblocks in Polish discrimination cases is the lack of conclusive evidence that unequal treatment has actually taken place. Non-governmental organizations continue to have very limited knowledge of this method. The aim of the project was to provide non-governmental organization which combat discrimination with the skill of the effective use of anti-discrimination law, and particularly instruct them how to effectively gather evidence using discrimination testing. The project has enhanced the knowledge of discrimination testing among non-governmental organizations and legal practitioners. 15 people were trained and five test strategies developed. Practical introduction to real-life application of discrimination testing covered several months' long training courses for non-governmental organizations (eight conventions for a 15-man group) and later, its practical implementation during pilot discrimination testing in selected areas of life. In addition, a handbook, which can serve other entities interested in the subject matter, has also been developed in (400 copies). Five test strategies were developed, four of which were implemented as pilot verification of testing skills. 10 expert opinions were prepared in order to support training groups in the rollout of pilot tests and one expert seminar was held (10 speakers and moderators) for approx. 50 participants. A strategic meeting was also organized to discuss the use of the discriminating testing potential. The audience of training activities included 15 representatives of organizations from all over Poland. 50 participants of the project and 400 readers of the handbook got an insight into discrimination testing. The project was rolled out together with the Hungarian partner - NEKI - which cooperated on training courses for Polish NGOs and development of test strategies."

Summary of bilateral results