Commissioning beneficially, spending usefully

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 70,876
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project's objective is to meet the needs of local communities in more effective way by introducing watchdog activity over public funds spent under the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work. It will be done by developing auditing standards for commissioning public tasks, training auditors (local government and NGO representatives), and performing audits in 16 local, district and regional government units. Standards verified in practice will help to prepare general guidelines. In addition, 320 local government and NGO representatives from all regions of Poland will participate in seminars where they will learn the standards and will be encouraged to verify themselves the effectiveness and the efficiency of spending.

Summary of project results

"After the Act on Public Benefit Activity and Volunteerism (UDPP) came into force, over 94% of municipalities commission public tasks to organisations, which benefits almost 50% of them. Undoubtedly, it shows that organisations develop and their potential is appreciated by institutions. But at the same time, negative phenomena can be observed, such as repeatedly choosing the same projects in competitions, dividing resources ""a bit for everyone"", lack of innovative activities. Municipal offices fail to evaluate their spending of resources, and organisations are not interested in it. The aim of the project was to enhance effectiveness of meeting local needs through disseminating among municipalities the social auditing method of spending public resources under the Act on public benefit activity. As a result of the project activities, 18 municipal offices introduced new solutions under offer competitions for organisations - for example, application evaluation cards were extended and publicised. A guidebook for municipal workers and members of organisations was prepared enabling them to audit spending of resources under UDPP by themselves ( 16 municipal offices from accross Poland were recruited for pilot auditings. Then, after refining research tools, 21 offices were chosen. Assisted by consultants, 10 municipal officers and 11 members of non-governmental organisations conducted auditings in the offices. 16 seminars were organised where 334 representatives of organisations and municipal offices acquired knowledge and skills supporting auditing in their municiplaities. A guidebook for workers of municipal offices and organisations was developed and published on the Internet, describing how to conduct auditing. The guidebook contains questionnaires, explanations, good and bad practices. It was distributed among 465 officers and members of organisations, 300 social assistance centres, 3 ministries. The project benefited workers of municipal offices responsible for cooperation with organisations and non-governmental organisations. The partner, the Association for Civil Activity Bona Fides, was responsible for co-preparing auditing tools, conducted 5 trainings, 4 pilot auditings, and consulted 5 auditings led by non-governmental organisations, and also prepared one chapter of the guidebook."

Summary of bilateral results