We will help people in rural areas which face the flood risk to effectively take part in public consultations which under law must be held as part of the flood risk mitigation planning process. Such plans will address preparedness, emergency response and restoration. Twenty active men and women from a number of communities will interact with local government officials and experts during workshops, study visits and meetings held in the community of Wilków, which was flooded in 2010. They will help their neighbors after the project is completed. Local residents in Wilków will benefit from meetings and online resources by gaining new knowledge about flooding and will share their information with the authorities responsible for flood risk management. The experience of participants and experts will help develop educational resources such as a manual and e-book outlining a model of flood-related public consultations, a video and recorded presentations. These resources will be available online on a free license basis and can serve everyone who wants to be an active and informed participant of public consultations.
Summary of project results
"So far in Poland there have been no public consultations on Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP), the preliminary versions of which were published at the end of 2014. The objective of the project was to use the tools we developed and the “Let's get ready together!"" method to prepare residents and local authorities in communities located on flood plains for participating in consultations of FRMP, which are updated every 6 years. The method and the tools are aimed at changing the manner of conducting local actions, and at considering the opinions of local residents while preparing local flood management documentation. They illustrate the benefits of joint preparation of flood protection, plans for limiting flood damage, and educational and preventive actions. 20 flood consultations volunteers (FCV) were trained (5 workshops, a research excursion, 3 study visits). Meetings were held (7 preliminary with a psychologist, 1 informative, 14 devoted to education and consultations) for the residents of 3 communities at risk of flooding; 3 open lectures, 10 flood simulations on a 3-D model, 2 public presentations of the project results, 7 screenings of the “Let's get ready together!"" film were organised, and advice was given on land development in the areas at risk of flooding. An educational brochure ""How to prepare for flood"" was devised, as well as a handbook for active residents of areas at risk of flooding “Let's talk about flood"", both aimed at preparing the residents and the local authorities for constructive talks during FRMP consultations. Fifteen lectures on managing flood risk were published online. The beneficiaries of the project were the residents and the local authorities of the communities of Wilków, Dąbrowa Chełmińska, Gorzyce, as well as citizens using the tools prepared as part of the project, and the materials available online. The project was implemented in partnership with a local organisation, which prepared the 3-D model of the Wilków area together with a multi-media presentation, used it for public flood simulations for the residents, ran the project's website and forum, and prepared a mobile application."
Summary of bilateral results