Metacognitive Training (MTC) for People with Schizophrenia

Project facts

Project promoter:
Concordia Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 14,054
The project is carried out in:

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In Poland, the number of patients reporting mental health problems has doubled in the last two decades. Pharmacotherapy remains the primary method of treatment, and access to psychotherapy is limited. The project objective is to empower vulnerable groups by expanding the scope of treatment methods available to people with schizophrenia. Metacognitive Training (MCT) is a method developed to treat psychosis. The training helps patients to understand their cognitive distortions resulting from the disease and to overcome them. Under the project, this method will be introduced in 60 Support Centres (SCs) through training SC staff and organizing training sessions for schizophrenic patients. Web platform will be launched as a knowledge base about MCT, a free source of materials, and a place for experience sharing between professionals, training participants, and other interested parties. The project will benefit people with schizophrenia as well as professionals working in Support Centres.

Summary of project results

"The number of persons with diagnosed mental illness who start treatment has been steadily rising. According to statistical yearbook of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, in the years 1990-2009 the indicator of registered incidence of mental disorders rose in outpatient care by 123% to 3638 persons per 100 thousand, and in inpatient care - by 51% to 548 persons per 100 thousand. The system of treatment of psychotic disorders in Poland relies mainly on drug therapy, while support of psychotherapeutic nature is lacking. Daytime support centres (OW), e.g. environmental self-help houses, ensure a form of environmental therapy. Currently, the activities of OW are not effective because they are not prepared and lack resources to conduct new forms of non-drug therapy. Without psychotherapeutic support, the majority of mentally ill persons have no chances to recover and return to normal life. The aim of the project was to strengthen the system of support for mentally ill people through complementing the basic services offered by OW by metacognitive training for persons with schizophrenia. As a result of the implementation of the project, 118 support centres in 6 voivodeships broadened their support offer for mentally ill people. About 1500 participants used the metacognitive training (MCT) which helps to reduce the effects of cognitive distortions accompanying the illness. The activities under the project included trainings in conducting metacognitive training for 192 therapists from 118 support centres in 6 voivodeships, who then conducted metacognitive trainings with approx. 1500 patients. Materials for conducting MCT were prepared - a presentation, film material, samples of home exercises, handbook for participants of trainings (500 copies). An Internet platform was launched as a knowledge base on MCT from where free materials for sessions can be downloaded. The project was promoted during specialist conferences and thematic meetings. Beneficiaries of the project were 1500 mentally ill persons."

Summary of bilateral results