The project seeks to actively engage non-governmental organizations in the process of implementing Poland’s EU membership commitments with respect to reducing nitrogen and phosphorus load from agriculture, resulting from the 2000 Helsinki Convention, the 2007 Baltic Action Plan and the proper implementation of the Polish Nitrates Law. While engaging NGOs, MPs, government ministries (Agriculture, Environment) and the Norwegian partner that has an extensive experience in parliamentary lobbying, the Applicant will lead activities of monitoring legislative processes at the central and the local levels in Poland to support the country’s commitments, develop a common position with NGOs, prepare an interpellation (question on a major issue) to the parliament, define a process of interaction between NGOs, government administration and parliament, and publish it as a guidebook to be distributed to sector organizations. The project targets NGOs, public administration and the parliament.
Summary of project results
The project "Social monitoring of the implementation of the Baltic Programme for Action" originated in response to legal crisis resulting from the fact that the accepted Baltic Plan for Action was not published in the Official Journal, and thus failed to come into force. The aim of the project was to activate NGOs for lobbying activities in order to bring about amendments in legislative regulations in cooperation with responsible ministries and the Parliament. A partnership was started with the Norwegian NGO OIKOS which offered their knowledge and experiences in lobbying to Polish organisations. A parliamentary motion was prepared, cooperation was started with parliamentary and senate committees for Agriculture and Rural Development and for Protection of Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry. The key institutions were identified that were responsible for adapting of the Polish law to e.g. nitrate directive, i.e. the ministries of agriculture and environment, and KZGW, and cooperation with them was started on the path of NGO participation in consulting legal drafts that should allow for better using of their potential and engagement. A conference was organised with participation of organisations and administration, as well as 2 workshops, 6 meetings with administration and NGO representatives during thematic events (e.g. the Council of Ecological Agriculture, the Round Table etc.). The key elements of the path were tested during consultations of the Act on Water Law. Experiences from works on the path and good practices in cooperation with administration were presented in the booklet "Social monitoring of legislative processes as a tool of democratic state". Together with 22 organisations, the "Stance on water policy and amendments in the Act Water Law" was prepared and signed by 12 organisations. It was forwarded to state authorities, industry administration and organisations. The project benefited 22 agricultural and environmental NGOs through their integration around the issue of water pollution and incorporation of NGO representative in the National Council for Water Management, and had positive impact on industry stakeholders (farmers, water managers, academic circles) by creating an information network.
Summary of bilateral results
"The reason on asking Norvegian Partner to cooperation was its success in lobbying activities and in development of organization. For PKE extremely important was the experience which the Partner brought, special cooperation with the parliamentarians. However, the political conditions of lobbying in Norway and the conditions under which the organizations operate in Poland were so different from what you experienced partner that after the transfer of their experience and knowledge partner gradually limited their involvement. The study trip in Norway which the aim was to strengthen cooperation between the Polish Ecological Club and the Norwegian non-governmental organizations active in the field of ecology and sustainable development and knowledge of the standards and principles of functioning of the market for organic products. The result was establish cooperation with FoE Norway and involve them to other project connected with climate changes. The workshops - ""Effective lobbying - a tool of modern activities of NGOs"" was prepared together with Oikos. The aim of the workshop was the professionalization of the activities of Polish non-governmental organizations in the field of lobbying activities. The main topic was the method of exerting influence on decision-makers and the ways in which you can improve this type of activity, and a case study. An important element of the workshop were the presentations Maiken Pollestad Sele, illustrating the differences between the effectiveness of lobbying in Poland and lobbying in Norway for example on issues related to organic farming and organic food. The result was raise awareness between PKE members and other organizations on lobbying issues Working together on a very difficult and demanding theme contributed to the growth of competence PKE in terms of lobbying activities. A large share of the project partner is here - Oikos, whose experience in the field of lobbying, as well as skillful transfer of knowledge contributed to translate theory into practice, which in the conditions of our country is a difficult and complicated task. Many activities that our partners were evident in our organization had only gain acceptance. This change in approach is particularly valuable. "