Thermal modernization of public utility objects on the area of the following municipalities: Wyszogród, Gostynin, Pacyna, Bielsk

Project facts

Project promoter:
municipality and city Wyszogród
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 537,637
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed due to the following problems: damaged elevation, cracked plaster, poor technical condition of the roof and the flat roof . The project will improve efficiency of energy use and expansion of electricity produced from renewable sources, which will result in reduced emissions of harmful substances, including CO2 The objective of the project is to improve energy efficiency of public buildings The project involves improving energy efficiency of the public buildings which will result in reduced emissions of harmful substances, including CO2 and reduced energy consumption. Completing the works will reduce the costs of electricity. In order to improve energy efficiency of the two public buildings and to reduce emissions of harmful substances the following works will be carried out: thermal modernization - insulation of the buildings, replacement of windows and doors, modernization of indoor heating systems, replacement of the roofs. The following units will be beneficiaries of the project: Wyszogród municipality – the owner of the objects, children attending the nursery and schools, employees of modernized units, the inhabitants of Wyszogród municipality, natural environment.

Summary of project results

The project was needed due to the following problems: damaged elevation, cracked plaster, poor technical condition of the roofs. The project was implemented in order to improve efficiency of energy use and increase electricity produced from renewable sources, which will result in reduced emissions of harmful substances, including CO2. Thermomodernisational works covered 5 public utility buildings (including schools and kindergartens). Within the project over 8,3 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated, over 450 windows and doors were replaced. Also central heating installations were modernized and 4 ecological boilers installed. Interior lighting was exchanged for ecological one. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (681 Mg/year). Beneficiaries of the project are: Wyszogród municipality – the owner of the objects, children attending the nursery and schools, employees of modernized units, inhabitants of Wyszogród municipality, natural environment.

Summary of bilateral results