The Enterprise will start the modernisation and rebuilding of its heat sources and the exhaust gas dedusting installation at the Central Heating Plant which provides heat for the city of Ciechanów. The project aims to adjust the fuel combustion installations to the emission standards in operation from 2017 in line with both state-level and EU Regulations. The project will reduce emissions of dust and gas into the atmosphere in the CO2 and increase the efficiency of primary energy use per unit of heat produced. The project will only contribute to the modernisation of one water boiler. In the near future we will begin the modernisation of the remaining five boilers with view to improving energy efficiency and environmental impact. The project will benefit the residents of Ciechanow and its surroundings, because the reduction of emissions to the atmosphere will improve the local air quality.
Summary of project results
The purpose of the project was to reduce waste production and pollutant emissions to air and water. This purpose was realized by modernizing one WR-25 boiler, one new dust removal plant was built. Targets of project indicators after its annual operation have been achieved. The inhabitants of the city of Ciechanów and its surroundings have also benefited from the project, as the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere has decreased, and atmospheric air has improved. Reduction achieved: CO2 1 621, 73 Mg / year SO2 8,94 Mg / year NOx 3,5 Mg / year CO 4,38 Mg / year Dust 3,49 Mg / year soot / ash 0,031 Mg / year Benzene (a) pyrene 0.00035 Mg / year Energy savings of 5337, 58 MWh / year
Summary of bilateral results