Thermo-modernization and lighting replacement at the Children's Hospital in Warsaw

Project facts

Project promoter:
Independent Children's Hospital prof. dr. med. Jana Bogdanowicza Public Health Care
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 409,315
The project is carried out in:


This project focuses on the thermo-modernization of the Children's Hospital at Nieklanska Street in Warsaw. The overall objective of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution resulting from the production of heat and electricity. The direct objective of the project is the thermo-modernization of existing buildings belonging to the hospital. Because of rising energy prices the primary objective pursued is to reduce the cost of energy consumption through the technical insulation of buildings and through energy-efficient lighting replacement. The project involves the following activities: insulation of exterior walls, insulation of last tier ceiling, outside windows replacement (in the 'G building' only), energy-efficient lighting replacement, and central heating control and adjustment. The implementation of the project will significantly improve the cost-efficient functioning of the hospital and will have positive influence on environment.

Summary of project results

This project focused on the thermomodernization of the Children's Hospital at Nieklanska Street in Warsaw. The overall objective of the project was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution resulting from the production of heat and electricity. Projects implementation has contributed to improving of energy and economic efficiency in the hospital. Thermomodernisational works covered 6 public utility buildings (buildings of hospital). Within the project over 10 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated and 6 interior installation modernised. Interior lighting was exchanged for ecological one. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (829 Mg/year). The Beneficiary emphasized that for the first time he has implemented wide thermomodernisation and it helps hospital to gain crucial experience, effects and knowledge.

Summary of bilateral results