This project will result in the increased quality of provided educational services through the adaptation of the building to applicable thermal standards. The project will contribute to the reduction of heat loss in the public utility building. The objective of the project is to improve thermal energy efficiency in a public utility building intended for education, which will result in reduced consumption of the energy needed to provide thermal comfort. The implementation of the project will lead to the reduction or avoidance of 477,7 Mg/year CO2 emissions (43% reduction). Thermal energy demand is expected to decrease during the heating season from 6 173 GJ/year to about 2 289 GJ/year. Thermal modernisation works will include the insulation of 2 511,54 m2 of internal partitions and flat roofs, replacement of 279 windows (699,44 m2) and replacement of the internal heating installation. The project will directly benefit end-users of the public utility building, which includes 778 pupils and 87 staff members. Project's material scope has been extended and part of the project is co-financed under NFM.
Summary of project results
Under the project thermomodernization has been completed for 2 public utility buildings (school and sports hall). Conducted investment will result in ecological and financial effects by improving of energy and economic efficiency. Within the project 3650 m2 of partition were insulated, 120 photovoltaic cells have been installed. Lighting was replaced for ecological. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (561 Mg/year). The Beneficiary emphasized that also school's reputation will improve - as a place where ecological issues are considered.
Summary of bilateral results