Building of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center (MSaRC) in Plonsk was opened in 1998. The technologies used in the construction process are outdated, unecological and uneconomical. The aim of the project is to improve energy efficiency and increase the production of energy from renewable sources. The project will contribute to savings in energy consumption, reduce CO2 emissions and increase energy production from renewable sources. The project involves the modernization of the existing, outdated technology solutions through thermo-modernization of the building, replacement of old equipment and installation of a solar panels. Implementation of the project will benefit the Municipality of Plonsk by creating savings in energy consumption. The project will also benefit users of MSaRC because it will raise the standard of services offered. Thanks to this project the inhabitants of Plonsk and the surrounding area will have cleaner air.
Summary of project results
Building of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center (MSaRC) in Plonsk was opened in 1998. The technologies used in the construction process were outdated, unecological and uneconomical. For these reason, project concerning thermomodernisation was needed. Works covered above mentioned public utility building. Within the project over 7,5 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated, almost 270 windows and doors were replaced. Modernised were interior installations (including ventilation) and heat node. Beneficiary has installed 40 solar collectors and exchanged interior lighting for ecological one. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (642 Mg/year). Project has benefit also the Municipality of Plonsk by creating savings in energy consumption and users of MSaRC as it raised the standard of services offered.
Summary of bilateral results