The technical condition of educational facilities and of the administration facility generates high exploitation costs. Obsolete heat and electric installations based on non-renewable energy sources result in high energy consumption and the emission of pollution substances in the atmosphere. The project involves thermal efficiency improvement of all the facilities of primary schools and junior-high schools in the commune. This will result in electric and heat energy demand limitation by more than 50%, which will translate into reduction of CO2 emission to the atmosphere by 60% per year. All residents of the Węgliniec commune will benefit from the project, but in particular government administration employees, service employees, and teachers, as well as pupils and students of the schools included in the project.
Summary of project results
As a result of projects implementation following indicators have been achieved: Reduced or avoided CO2 emission[Mg / year]: 983.22 Energy production from renewable sources [MWh / year] 3,538 Number of thermomodernised buildings [pcs.] 8 Number of replaced / modernized heat sources [pcs.] 6 Total RES (installed machines, appliances or installations using energy from renewable sources) [pcs.] 3 Newly installed capacity of renewable energy sources (in the project) [MW] 0.00259 The main objective was to reduce the consumption of heat energy in buildings that were thermomodernised within the project. The goal has been achieved.
Summary of bilateral results