Installation of two new boiler dust removal systems in the combined heat and power plant in Kluczbork

Project facts

Project promoter:
Thermal Energy Opole Region
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 92,750
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed to ensure compliance of the dust removal system of WRp-23 and WR-15 boilers installed in the central combined heat and power plant in Kluczbork with the solid fuel combustion dust emissions standards (i.e. 100mg/Nm3 at 6% O2), which will be in force as of 1 January 2016. The objective of the project is to install two new dust removal systems that will ensure dust emissions below 100mg/Nm3 at 6% O2. The project will allow dust emissions reduction by approx. 12 Mg/year. The execution of the project will allow for reductions in the negative environmental impact of the existing combined heat and power plant in Kluczbork, and adapt the installation to the future requirements of the national and community legislation. The improvement of air quality through the reduction of fuel combustion dust emissions will allow Poland, following the sustainable development principles, to grow economically and to care for the natural environment, thus reducing the negative industrial impact on human life and health.

Summary of project results

The project was needed to ensure compliance of the dust removal system of boilers installed in the central combined heat and power plant in Kluczbork with the solid fuel combustion dust emissions standards. The objective of the project was the installation two new dust removal systems that will ensure dust emissions below 100mg/Nm3 at 6% O2. The project was allowed dust emissions reduction. The execution of the project was allowed for reductions in the negative environmental impact of the existing combined heat and power plant in Kluczbork, and adapted the installation to the future requirements of the national and community legislation. The improvement of air quality through the reduction of fuel combustion dust emissions will allow Poland, following the sustainable development principles, to grow economically and to care for the natural environment, thus reducing the negative industrial impact on human life and health.

Summary of bilateral results