The project is needed because the invasions by alien species (IAS) is one of the main threats to biodiversity. Invasions can lead to a reduction in species diversity among mammals by 67.5%, and angiosperms by 70.5%. The spread of invasive species of trees and shrubs carries many negative ecological effects, eg. crowding out native species, and degradation of natural plant communities. The aim of the project is to assess the risks in Suwalki Landscape Park (SPK) and Biebrza National Park (BbPN) ecosystems posed by alien species of trees and shrubs. An inventory will be prepared which will propose methods of fighting IAS. The project is expected to achieve an assessment of risks in the ecosystems of BbPN and SPK, which will be the basis for further protective measures and will raise awareness of threats from IAS. There will also be information and education efforts aimed at the local community. The national parks are expected to benefit, as well as the society as a whole. The partners bring expert contributions to the project, as well as educational and long project management experience.
Summary of project results
Project has been completed, indicators have been achieved. Overall project goal indicators have been achieved. The number of inventories and / or monitoring of the occurrence of invasive alien species has reached the target value (14). Indicator Number of invasive alien species inventoryed or monitored achieved target value (7). Indicator The number of non-governmental organizations implementing biodiversity conservation measures has reached 3. The project has organized conferences / seminars / workshops (34). Information and promotional materials were prepared (pieces 110). An educational book about 1000 copies was prepared and published. Flyers and brochures were printed and printed in 2000 copies. The project has helped to identify invasive alien species, particularly in the Biebrza National Park and the Suwałki Landscape Park. A valuable experience has been gained which the Beneficiary will be able to use while undertaking new initiatives in the field of biodiversity conservation.
Summary of bilateral results