Monitoring and protection of boreal owl Aegolius funereus within Natura 2000 area Puszcza Knyszyńska PLB200003

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Workshop for All Beings
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 56,046
The project is carried out in:


Forest management in one of the most important areas of the boreal owl - Puszcza Knyszyńska - does not take into account habitat requirements of this species. Remains of old growth pine forest including hollow trees are logged what impoverishes habitat of boreal owl. The objective of the project is mapping, monitoring and protection of the boreal owl - species related mainly to well preserved pine forest. We are planning mapping and monitoring the boreal owl and to establish 15-30 protection zones around hollow trees occupied by this species. We will also educate foresters and the local community. The project will modify forest management plans. Areas with hollow trees occupied by boreal owl will be excluded from the tree cutting. Educated foresters will pay better attention for habitats of boreal owl. The main beneficiary will be the boreal owl and its habitats. Moreover, institutions responsible for Natura 2000 - State Forests, Regional and General Directorate for Environmental Protection, as well as bird watchers and local tourism will benefit from the project.

Summary of project results

The overall goal of the project has been achieved. All project indicators has been achieved. Overall objective of the indicator – The number of monitoring of Natura 2000 sites has reached the target value and is 1. The target value has also been achieved by the indicator - Number of non-governmental organizations implementing actions to protect biological diversity - 2. Indicators of the project result have also been achieved. Indicator Number of species protected under the project - 3. Number of Natura 2000 areas covered by the project to restore the proper state of biodiversity in Natura 2000 areas - 1. The project was very popular in the public, the project enjoyed great interested from the public. Therefore, the project result indicator The number of recipients of organized conferences / seminars / workshops increased by 712 people (75% more) than originally planned.

Summary of bilateral results