The project is needed to provide for the protection, the management and supervising networks in the Natura 2000 project, as well as to raise financial resources for performing the needed tasks connected to this project. The project objective is to create the base for the effective protection of 17 Natura 2000 areas in the Podkarpacki province. This will be done through the development plans for protection tasks and by enhancing the oversight of Natura 2000 sites. Environmental protection is of key importance during the project implementation. The project is expected to maintain the natural resources of both nature and settlements. Plans for protective tasks and additional equipment will allow for better management Natura 2000 areas in the Podkarpacki province. The beneficiaries of the project are animals and plants recognized as objects in need of protection.
Summary of project results
Project completed, the indicators have been achieved. As part of the establishment of conservation plans for 17 Natura 2000 sites, the research has been carried out to obtain information on habitats and species. 5328.27 ha: the total area where ecosystems have been restored or protected. The equipment necessary for the implementation of the project was bought. Acquired knowledge will increase the effectiveness of management and monitoring processes in Natura 2000 areas. The Noticed: positive impact of the activities in the education, promotion and information field on the approach of interested inhabitants of these areas to carry out the tasks related to nature conservation.
Summary of bilateral results