Development and implementation of renewable energy and biomass energy-efficient solutions in the drying process.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 119,348
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to develop drier prototype with defined optimal drying parameters depending on the type of biomass and with an innovative re-circulation system. The project will introduce innovative energy-efficient solutions in the drying process and technology as well promote the full-fledged use of resources and environmental sustainability. the activity will contain: (1) project management, (2) development of the prototype of the conveyor-type biomass drier, (3) assessment of the prototype conformity to the product certification, obtaining of CE marking, (4) patenting of the air re-circulation system and (5) publicity. The implementation of this project promotes the achievement of indicators specified in the Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia Until 2030 and conformity to the objectives set in the Environmental Policy Guidelines for 2009–2015.

Summary of project results

Conak Steel is one of the start-up company that has been supported by Norway grants in Latvia. Within the project company developed prototype of drier for biomass. New technology ensures defined optimal drying parameters depending on the type of biomass, as well innovative recirculation system. During the project implementation, the technical parameters for air recirculation has been examined and determined. Technology provides a variety of certain biomass optimal drying process in order to achieve the maximum quality of dried biomass, in the same time ensuring optimal energy efficiency by saving fuel, required amount of material for fuel, saving financial resources and in addition reduces fuel gas emissions. The new technology will be introduced in Latvia with aim to export to other EEA countries. Norway grant support provided – EUR 132 609 with aid intensity 81%.

Summary of bilateral results