3D printing filament from the recycled plastic

Project facts

Project promoter:
Baltic3D.EU, Ltd
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 104,246
The project is carried out in:


Within the framework of the project, a 3D printing filament will be manufactured from recycled plastic. The 3D printing filament is planned to be used for hobby-class 3D printers. Its value amounts to EUR 5,000–7,000 and it has no restrictions in terms of the type of 3D printing filament used. The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Paper and Fibre Research Institute in Norway. Activities planned within the framework of this project include the production of an experimental batch of the 3D printing filament, using industrial extrusion equipment, laboratory assessment and assessment by 3D printer users for the material with an aim to improve the recipe of the material. The Baltic3D project solves two problems related to the materials of hobby-class printers. On the one hand rapidly growing demand for spooled 3D printing filament (material) and on the other hand practically non-existent supply for the recycled 3D printing filament. In addition, the Baltic3D indirectly contributes to the saving of the environment by using recycled plastic instead of primary plastic. Projects’ goal corresponds with aims specified in Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030.

Summary of project results

Baltic3D.eu is the largest provider of 3D printing services in Latvia whose aim is to become the biggest producer of 3D printing services in all Baltics States. Norway grants has supported the company not only for modern 3D printing equipment purchase but also for R&D activities that included testing 3D printing filament made from recycled plastic. Up to nine recipes were developed and tested with aim to find the best recipe that would ensure the best quality printing material. Unfortunately company discovered that current recycled material do not offer efficient quality for 3D printings. Therefore company started to analyse the properties of recycled polypropylene during the printing process in order to discover optimal conditions for material during 3D printing. The new knowledge allows to become more competitive in 3D printing market.

Summary of bilateral results

The partnership was terminated.