Equipment development of 4 b.e.e. Ltd product "Remote diagnostics equipment of ventilation systems"

Project facts

Project promoter:
4 b.e.e., Ltd.
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 105,329
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to develop a prototype of the product to be commercialised, i.e. W:AIR, Remote diagnostics equipment of ventilation systems. It is also the aim to perform its testing in Latvia and Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian partner “Norsk Energi”. The project will result in the development of a competitive, innovative and energy-saving technology, which will significantly surpass ventilation system diagnostics methods currently available on the market. The project implementation will promote the development of the newly-commenced business activities, ensuring support to merchants in developing and introducing new or fundamentally improved products, services and technologies. In addition it will develop business activities and improve the products, technologies or processes of other industries, which will promote energy efficiency, mititigate emission and lower consumption of resources. The new product will resolve several issues: Firstly, how to adjust ventilation systems in a fast and effective manner, with a precise data protocol, secondly, how to diagnose the quality and performance of existing ventilation systems and thirdly, how to ensure that the planned parameters are maintained during the operation of the ventilation system. The projects’ goal corresponds with aims specified in Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030.

Summary of project results

Within the Green Industry Innovation programme in Latvia new product were developed for ventilation systems in manufacturing and office buildings - W:AIR — Remote diagnostics equipment of ventilation systems. System consists of measuring equipment for ventilation systems diagnostics with various sensors for different ventilation unit parameters, client and base station that gathers the measured parameter values and send results to server and using W:air system software on computer or mobile phone user can see measures values and start ventilation systems diagnostics. The new product saves ventilation system energy consumption, for instance in area 5000 m2 the energy savings can achieve 10% in a year. The project was implemented in partnership with Norwegian company Norsk Energy that evaluated the system and analysed the product for the Norway.

Summary of bilateral results

The project was implemented in partnership with Norwegian company Norsk Energy . Norsk Energy gave useful information for new product promotion in Norway, practical examples, tools, tips and advices. New product has been tested according to the Norwegian standarts.