Student and Academic Staff Mobility within the EEA Grant Scholarship Activity (Mechanics)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Riga Technical University
Project Number:
Target groups
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training,
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 2,100
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed to expand the international competitiveness of Riga Technical University and develop new international cooperation in current study fields. During the preliminary visit of an RTU representative to the University of Iceland the field of Mechanics was identified as one of the strongest common fields of interest between the University of Iceland and RTU. Collaboration within the EEA Grant projects will enhance the quality of higher education at RTU and partner institutions. Students participating in the EEA Grant mobility action project will acquire knowledge and experience for a variety of theoretical and practical skills which differ from those acquired at the sending institution. The experience obtained will improve their chances of finding a well-paid and challenging job in the country of their choice. Students and academic staff participating in the project will be able to share the newly obtained knowledge and skills with their peers, thus ensuring sustainability of the investment in their education and exchange of experience.

Summary of project results

The project was needed to develop new international cooperation in field of Mechanics and increase international competitiveness. The EEA Grants mobility action gave both universities a chance to develop mutual cooperation. Two student and two academic staff mobility were planned but only one staff mobility was implemented. The reason for this is that the project was on reserve list when approving projects after the Call, so the contract was only signed on November 2015. This increased the difficulty in finding free spots for mobility, and the Project Promoter missed the chance to apply for extension. The mobility implemented brought new perspectives and knowledge that can be used in other research projects, such as INTERREG. Due to the similarities in the Mechanics study programs in RTU and University of Iceland, a joint research collaboration between both institutions will be performed in future. Within the project a representative from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics (FMETA) Inga Ļašenko went to University of Iceland, where she held presentations on RTU and the work within our university regarding biotextile development, as well as learned about novelties in this field in Iceland. Within the visit she also had the chance to see material side and laboratories which are used for research and study purposes in this field. During 2 weeks of Ms. Ļašenko stay in Iceland institutional co-operation was discussed, as well as possibilities to apply for joint projects in the future.

Summary of bilateral results

The EEA Grants mobility action gave both Universities a chance to develop mutual cooperation and do experience exchange in new mobility study course (Mechanics). Before this project mobility was organised only in IT and environmental engineering. Cooperation will definitely continue in future within Erasmus+ and hopefully Norway grant programmes.