Establishing of the scientific capacity for the management of pharmaceutical products residues in the environment of Latvia and Norway

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Latvia
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 160,141
The project is carried out in:


Despite the high importance of this research area, there is still no sufficient scientific capacity and knowledge available in Norway and Latvia addressed to fully professional management of the issues of pharmaceutical residues. Therefore, the overall objective of the Project is to enhance the growth of research-based knowledge through the scientific cooperation between Norway and Latvia, developing a scientific capacity for the administration of pharmaceutical residues in the Latvian and Norwegian environment. As a result, the advanced high resolution mass spectrometric method will be introduced, diverse information about the contamination status will be obtained and the relevant training programs will be launched in the leading Universities of both countries. These activities will facilitate the execution of the general purpose to reduce risks related to the presence of pharmaceutical products in the environment. The Project partner – University of Oslo (UiO) is a leading University of Norway. The Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of UiO has an extent experience in research conducted in the area of bio-analytical and environmental chemistry. UiO will be responsible for the elaboration of the UHPLC-q-Orbitrap method for analysis of PPs residues, the analysis of environmental samples and the implementation of the educational and training component. Collaboration of the UL and the UiO, will encourage a successful long-term scientific and educational cooperation between Latvia and Norway in the basic and applied research within the European Research Area (ERA). The results of the Project will have a very significant impact on the environmental security and the health issues, ensuring the strengthening of public awareness and preparation of experts, ensuring the reduction in dissemination of environmentally hazardous compounds.

Summary of project results

Objective and the main tasks of the Project, determined for research-based cooperation between the Universities of Latvia and Oslo, are attributed to the development of sustainable set of theoretical framework for long-term monitoring of the residues of pharmaceutical products in Latvian and Norwegian environment, implementation of sensitive and selective instrumental methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of various origins of environmentally harmful compounds in environmental samples (water, soil, sediment, etc.), in order to forecast and to eliminate the effects of PPs on environmental pollution or their harm to human health. General goal – to help to make risk assessments and improve the management of pharmaceutical residues from health care facilities, agricultural farms, and pharmaceutical companies, by reducing the hazards of PPs – The goal has been appropriately reached and the results have been well documented. The applied scientific methodology was of sufficient quality and effectiveness in regard to the reliability of the results, which has been proved by the acceptance for publication in cited journals, as well. • Number of published international peer reviewed publications exceeds the planned number (5 vs. 3); • Number of international publications in preparation exceeds the planned number (8 vs. 6); • Number of PhD students and postdocs trained within the projects exceeds the planned number (2 vs. 1); • Percentage of female PhD students and postdocs trained within the projects was as expected (50%)

Summary of bilateral results

Both project partners – University of Latvia and Oslo University – have benefited from the implementation of the project activities. Scientists from University of Latvia have received an advanced training on application of the automated online solid phase extraction and Orbitrap-MS analytical techniques. Experts of Oslo University have gained a new knowledge related to the biological transformation processes of pharmaceutical compounds. In addition the application of time-of-flight methodology was a novelty of OiU scientists. Therefore, an access to supplementary technical capacity provided an additional value for representatives of both Universities. The collaboration will be sustained between the competent leading experts to ensure long-term cooperation in high quality research, especially in relation to the Project's impact on future cooperation on educational level within the European Research Area.