Innovative approach to hull-less spring cereals and triticale use from human health perspective

Project facts

Project promoter:
Latvia University of Agriculture
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 508,707
The project is carried out in:


Project overall aim is to increase a knowledge on impact of triticale and hull-less spring cereal species on human health potential. Indirect aim is to strengthen collaboration between Latvian and Norwegian researchers. Outcomes: Strengthened research capacity and increased application of research results: 4 internationally refereed scientific publications, 3 scientific publications co-authored by one or more researchers from Norway and Latvia and 6 scientific publications. NIBIO – the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, will contribute in the project in research and with their scientific knowledge, experience. In Latvia until now there is no similar experience of forming consortium of breeders, food scientists, and medics. Research results will be bases for scientific recommendations of triticale and hull-less spring cereal use in healthy diets.The co-operation beyond the project will allow preparation of data base on factors affecting quality, chemical composition, nutritive value and healthiness of hull-less barley, hull-less oat and triticale species. Database would be accessible for any interested person, but it would be very helpful for breeders in Baltic and Northern countries, selecting the most suitable species for growing in the mentioned regions. Target group: researchers, breeders, food scientists, medics, students

Summary of project results

The project has well enhanced research-based knowledge development in Latvia by achieving the overall aim – to increase a knowledge on impact of triticale and hull-less spring cereal species on human health potential. This has been achieved by the appropriate collaboration between Latvian and Norwegian researchers, which has been much strengthened in the duration of the project execution. The knowledge in the field of investigation is much deeper now and allows for further cooperation. The project has adequately completed basic research as it has been envisaged on the level of increasing knowledge on impact of triticale and hull-less spring cereal species on human health potential. Apart from the fact that the type of the executed research is basic, it is also on very applicable level as it combines building new knowledge with its possibility of application in public health. One (1) general goal and five (5) specific goals divided in 5 working packages (WPs) can be distinguished as follows: • General goal - to increase a knowledge on impact of triticale and hull-less spring cereal species on human health potential by strengthening collaboration between Latvian and Norwegian researchers. – The goal has been appropriately reached and the results have been well documented. 1. Number of joint publications authored by project participants from both BS and DS (published or accepted for publication) exceeds the target value (4 vs. 3): • Number of published international peer reviewed publications has been reached as planned (4) – (2/4 submitted for publishing). • Number of scientific publications co-authored by one or more researcher in Latvia together with researchers from Norway exceeds the target value (4 vs. 3). • Number of international publications in preparation – all the 4 planned have been prepared. 2. Strengthened research capacity in the Beneficiary State and increased application of research results through research cooperation between Norway and the Beneficiary State. • Number of PhD students and postdocs trained within the projects exceeds the target value (2 vs. 1) – both female. • Number of scientific publications (published or approved publication) is as planned (6 vs. 6) – (4/6 submitted for publishing).

Summary of bilateral results

Bilateral activities were not done during the lifetime of the Project, but in May 2017 with the visit to the Bergen university. During meeting with partner representative from NIBIO we worked on the summarizing of the results a project (NFI / R / 2014/11). Western Norway University of Applied Sciences carry out program Public Health, which provides opportunities for cooperation in various studies about biologically active compounds in the diet. Further cooperation with University of Bergen would be possible by preparation of common project proposals and representatives of University of Bergen could carry out a detailed clinical studies. Norwegian School of Economics is specialized in various economic studies, but it has a close cooperation with the Seafood Innovation Cluster. Since the Faculty of Food Technology started to implement a project on innovative technologies in fish processing, cooperation could be very useful. For further perspective on a new project submission (HORIZON 2020 ERA-NET, etc.), it is necessary to expand clinical research opportunities, that could results in increased success in competition of project proposals and also for increased number of cited articles for LLU. Therefore, the opportunity to meet and introduce with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) Health and Social Sciences Faculty scientists, opens up possibilities for further cooperation in various fields - research projects and student exchange programs. Also we found good opportunities for LLU students, teachers and scientists to cooperate with the Norwegian School of Economics, where they have strong knowledge’s in innovations of fish industry.