The aim of the project - an improved situation for young people with disabilities, in order to increase believe in their own strength and possibility to live a wholesome life, be socially and economically active by successfull integration in society. The target audience - young people with disabilities and their family members. The location of the implementation of the project - Riga, Vaivari. Main activities - the development and implementation of the rehabilitation program, an intensive summer rehabilitation seminar, the summarization of results. Collaboration partners - The Welfare Department of the Riga City Council, NGO "We for our children". The planned results - an established and implemented 1 social rehabilitation program, provided support for 34 young people and for 30 their family members, guaranteed purchase of equipment, 2 informative events have occurred. Project provides respecting human rights for young people with disabilities, because every human has rights to get a support, take part in social events regardless of his/her health condition, age, residence.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project - an improved situation for young people with disabilities, in order to increase believe in their own strength and possibility to live a wholesome life, be socially and economically active, by successfull integration in society. Project provides respecting human rights for young people with disabilities, because every human has rights to get a support, take part in social events regardless of his/her health condition, age, residence. The target audience – 34 young people with disabilities and 30 their family members. The pace of the implementation of the project - Riga, Vaivari. The result of the Project – an established and implements 1 social rehabilitation program, provided support for young people and for their family members, supplied equipment, 2 informative events have been provided. The developed youth social rehabilitation program is available at project developer’s homepage Collaboration partners - The Welfare Department of the Riga City Council and NGO "We for our children". The Welfare Department of the Riga City Council has access to the information about the available support events and target group members, therefore involvement of an executive ensured no overlapping of rehabilitation program, informing executives of target group about unused opportunities and it ensured attraction of program participants. Involvement of NGO "We for our children" in project ensured the mutual transfer of knowledge about different cultural events and the implementation of rehabilitation services.
Summary of bilateral results