The project aims to foster inclusion of 20 socially inactive young people by involving them in practical and voluntary activities of “do it yourself” bicycle workshop, thereby improving their skills and knowledge that will enrich their CV and provide opportunity to enter the labor market and social life. The project lasts 12 months in Liepaja and it includes organizing of a freak-bike workshop and teaching bicycle construction for young people, youth involvement in voluntary work in the bicycle workshop, organization of 7 up-cycling workshops, development of three alternative bicycle routes in Liepaja, training on CV and cover letter writing, individual portfolio creation on the basis of the participants' skills and knowledge acquired during the Project, creative leadership training for youth. Results: renovated and established space for “do it yourself” bicycle workshop, 20 bicycles created / repaired, 3 alternative cycling routes in Liepaja represented in digital maps (PDF); young people know to make different useful objects using old bicycle parts and other items; 20 young people have acquired the knowledge and skills.
Summary of project results
Project „Other kitchen for your CV” was implemented in Liepāja, Latvia during 12 monthes (27.04.2017 – 26.04.2016) by association Radi Vidi Pats. The main aim of the project was to foster inclusion of 20 local young people who are facing NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) situation by involving them in practical and voluntary activities of “do-it-yourself” bicycle workshop, thus improving their skills and knowledge that will enrich their CV and provide opportunity to enter the labor market and public life. However, the impact of the project turned out to be bigger then planed and in the end there were 24 youngsters who regulary get involved in diverse project activities. During the project association Radi Vidi Pats has opened self-service bicycle workshop “Radi Velo Pats”, that is regulary open to public and is working on “do-it-yourself” and volunteering principles. The space was co-created and mantained by project participants and members of association and is used as well by other organisations for presentations, exhibitions, trainings and simulations on the topics of sustainability, climate change, upcycling and non-formal education. All activities have strictly non-profit nature and are available for public for free, however there is always an option for visitors to donate. Apart of voluntary work in the workshop and repairing bicycles, there were several diffent activities in the project that participants were involved in, such as annual velocultural festival “Boltik Baik 2015” which is one week long freak-bike workshop with freak-bike parade in the end; 7 up-cycling workshops; development of 3 alternative bicycle routes in Liepaja; training on CV and cover letter writing, individual portfolio creation on the basis of the participants' skills and knowledge acquired during the project; creative leadership training for youth.
Summary of bilateral results