Pilot Project for Introduction of Supported Decission-Making in Latvia

Project facts

Project promoter:
Resource Centre for People with Mental Disability 'ZELDA'
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 55,281
The project is carried out in:

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The aim of the Project is to ensure respect for human rights for persons with mental disabilities by introducing new alternative mechanism – supported decision-making as alternative to restricted legal capacity in order to achieve guarantees included in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The target group of the project is persons with mental disabilities, their families, and civil society organizations active in this field. The project will be implemented in the Republic of Latvia and Czech Republic. The aim of the project will be reached by the development of conception of the supported decision-making; exchanging of experience with Czech partners; preparing experts of person-centred planning and first support providers who will provide direct support in the decision-making for persons with mental disabilities and by providing consultative support to relatives-providers of support. At the result of the project for Latvia new support method for people with mental disabilities will be developed and tested. Thus the necessary preconditions for introduction of supported decision-making mechanism will be created.

Summary of project results

During the period from 01.09.2014 till 30.04.2016 RC ZELDA implemented project No. 2013.EEZ/PP/1/MAC/092/067 “Pilot Project for Introduction of Supported Decision Making in Latvia” under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, programme “NGO Fund” and sub-programme “NGO project measure”. The Project aimed to ensure respect for human rights for persons with mental disabilities (including persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health problems) by introducing new alternative mechanism – supported decision-making as an alternative to restricted legal capacity in order to achieve guarantees included in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: enjoyment of legal capacity on an equal basis with others and independent life in society. This aim was achieved by developing the conception on supported decision making and proposals to change legislative acts. Also experience was exchanged with the Czech and Bulgarian partners who were implementing similar support services. First eight person-centred planning experts and support persons were trained and direct support in decision making for 28 persons with mental disabilities and advisory support to 55 relatives of people with mental disabilities – natural support providers was provided. With the help of support persons, people with mental disabilities were making important decisions about their life – their living place, employment, education, relationships, finances or important everyday skills. At the result new support method has been developed and tested, creating the necessary preconditions for further implementation of the support decision making model into practice. Project beneficiaries improved independent living skills, and a support network was developed to provide support in future. Supported decision making service is currently provided by four RC ZELDA employees and one volunteer.

Summary of bilateral results