Responsible, educated, involved

Project facts

Project promoter:
Animal Shelter Ulubele
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 94,922
The project is carried out in:

More information


The main objective of the project is engagement of children and young people, families with children, people who have acted violently, victims of violence that all are under risk of social exclusion by using an innovative package – establishing a movement of public animal protection inspectors creating a training programme, educating and volunteering. Currently this target group has difficulties to pick a profession and find an employment, they are rarely involved in social activities and have limited volunteering opportunities. Being involved in the project, the target group is going to be integrated in an active and interesting environment, learn new skills, get motivation for future profession. The Partners will ensure efficient target group engagement. As part of this project, a guide will be published – how to become a public animal protection inspector, its practical work checking the pilot project of partners and target group. Social campaigns will be implemented.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project “Responsible, Educated, Involved” is engagement of children, young people, families with children, young people, who have acted violently, victims of violence, who are at risk for social rejection, by means of a package of innovative measures involving education and performing practical voluntary work in the field of animal protection. Target group involved in the project was integrated in an active and interesting environment, its members acquired new knowledge, skills and voluntary work experience (the practical work at the animal shelter, communication skills - at public events, computer skills required working in the Internet environment, knowledge necessary to acquire the status of a public animal protection inspector, teamwork, sense of responsibility for the tasks assigned etc.). The intended results of the project have been achieved: 56 Humanity lessons have been given (target group: 948 children, 200 young people, 26 families with children, 268 disabled people, 65victims of violence, 37 persons, who have acted violently, 16 victims of human trafficking); 49 small cleanups and 4 big cleanups were organised at the animal shelter (target group: 120 children, 308 young people, 57 families with children, 66 disabled people); 513 persons have been involved in the voluntary work at the animal shelter; 83 young people have been involved in voluntary work at public events; 113 young people have been involved in the voluntary work in the Internet environment; 30 of the young people over 18 involved in the project have been trained to perform the duties of a public animal protection inspector. Persons engaged in the project are free to continue their work in the field of animal protection either as volunteers or on an independent basis. The partners of the project ensured efficient engagement of the target group. The guide for a public animal protection inspector was published under the project. Six social campaigns have been carried out throughout the territory of Latvia with the participation of 129 children and young people and 43 disabled persons.

Summary of bilateral results