Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to increase parents’ knowledge and competence in upbringing and education of children with visual impairments in order to improve psychosocial development of such children and to encourage their social integration. The aim is completely gained. The target groups: children till 18 years with visual impairments and their parents who live in the city of Rezekne. Within the framework of the project took place 51 activity. Created 9 workplaces, attracted 7 volunteers The main activities: workshops, physical activities and thematic events, realize them through individual, group and frontal form of work. The main results: an improvement in quality of life of children with visual impairments, development of their social interaction skills, creation of new social contacts with other children with similar health problems, as well as support of social integration of visually impaired children. The interest of the project’ work has grown, although it was accentuated that the association's priority is children with visual impairments, in the workshops there had began to visit the children with mental retardation, children with disabilities. It was established the website, where was fully reflected all the association activities in Latvian and English languages, contributing the more publicity. 24 from directly involved children with visual impairments have improved functional level, improved their participation, integration into society, independence; they had got successfully conducted the overall development and preparation for school, they started school and integrate in peer community. Different games developed children's motor coordination, reaction speed and spirit of competition. Children cooperated with each another, worked in a team, supported each other and cheered. In the feedback children expressed their willingness to organize and participate in similar events to have more variety of adventure and excitement to be interesting, so that one can look at and walk through the town of Rezekne (patriotism). Increased association of people - children with special needs and their parents – number from 30 in the beginning of the project to 65 in the end of the project.