The project’s aim is to elaborate and introduce methodology “School of skills of a creative person” in the City of Jūrmala and Jaunjelgava region. Within the project a workshop will be organized to improve the creative work and sciences skills of the members of social exclusion risk groups, to provide psychological consultations to promote self-development, social equality and employment. The project activities include elaboration of methodological material “School of skills of a creative person”, involvement of NGOs and volunteers in implementation of the methodology, promotion of growth of welfare of social exclusion risk groups thus reducing social inequality and promoting participation in democratic civic society. The project provides for the elaboration of a cycle of innovative classes “Practical natural sciences” that includes the acquisition of knowledge in the field of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, and astronomy from the practical point of view. Target group: children, youth, families with children, persons with disabilities, as well as NGO members and volunteers.
Summary of project results
The project overall aim was to develop a "The School of The Skills of Creative Person" - an innovative social action model and methodological materials, within its framework to create a knowledge and resource support network pilot Latvian regions by activating non-governmental organizations and volunteers involved in the methodology in the implementation and promotion of social risk groups, especially rural children , young people and families, as well as persons with disabilities welfare growth, reducing social inequalities and creating the opportunity to participate in the democratic and civil society development. The target group was the social exclusion and poverty and at risk people, including: 82 children, 50 young people, 16 families with children, 10 persons with disabilities. As well as NGOs representing the above groups of people's rights and interests, including 6 members and 18 volunteers. During the project we achieved the following results: • Created a methodological material creative skills and practical science learning, which piloted Jaunjelgava district and Jūrmala. • Developed "Practical Natural Science" lecture cycle (a particular video game, taking into account the target groups amount of knowledge) includes practical learning of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and astronomy, creative connecting of this knowledge with using in skills workshop and everyday life. • A knowledge and resource support network, which includes associations, their members and member organizations and artisans. • Psychologist support sessions and individual psychological counselling was available for 181 audience member. The main topics discussed - concern as well as tension in the family, stress reduction, relationships at school, problem situations with teenagers, u.t.t. The project is implemented in the original objectives - to enhance social risk groups, especially rural children and youth, families, as well as the welfare of persons with disabilities and reduced growth in social inequality and a possibility to participate in the democratic and civil society development. Total project 84 children, 50 young people in 17 families with children had a possibility to learn new creative skills, practical knowledge of natural sciences, to receive psychological counselling, thus engaging in social activities and reducing social inequality.
Summary of bilateral results