The project will promote information on sustainable, environment remediating and productive management strategies that are suitable for small rural and family farms with low income, promotion of participation in local policy-making in Latgale. During the project a knowledge centre will be developed, information on permaculture and other sustainable farming methods will be prepared and practically tested, promoting voluntary work, organizing cleanups for creation of community gardens. Project activities (seminars, workshop) will strengthen cooperation between organizations in adjacent municipalities, draw society’s attention to permaculture and other aspects of sustainable management, enabling the design of more environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient small farms for food production for their own use or implementation of direct marketing networks. The target group is association members, employees, volunteers.
Summary of project results
perational program a long-term goal was to promote awareness of sustainable, productive environment for healing and management strategies for small farms / family farms with low incomes, the distribution of Latgale, getting to the target audience - rural low-income families, these families a reasonable and compelling way. Target group was 10 NGOs, 50 NGOs members, 5 employees, 52 volunteers, 300 people. Project will be implemented - Daugavpils, Vārkava Municipality, Preiļu county. The main results of the project: Decorated in a straw house - made finishing works, purchased furniture space application workshops and seminars. Decorated permaculture plots 600 m2 plots studies and results are summarized in informative material to be used in a simple soil analysis. Society volunteers organized 11 training permaculture techniques. With the help of volunteers are carried out in a total of 10 cleanup Daugavpils, Vārkava, Preilu county public / community centers, installing and servicing 5 community gardens. Talks together involve 149 participants. Organized workshop-talk 25 members. Organized 2 sowing workshops (Vonogos. - 17 members Ambeļos -35 participants. Organized 2 permaculture Latvian festivals "SOL-MI" (122 participants Prepared and submitted 11 project applications, 6 of them supported and implemented. 4 members organized training started in social entrepreneurship project Preil Develops Society Strategy 2015.-2020.Set up an Internet site,, set up an on-line database with 26 farms, published 30 items on permaculture.Organized 13 meetings with Daugavpils local government institutions and representatives of the two meetings with the Preiļi municipality representatives 1 meeting with Vārkava municipality representatives 1 meeting with Aglona municipality representatives.Organized 17 meetings with local and national NGOs; Conducted 5 workshops / master classes (68 participants).Developed biogas generator theoretical model.Programme of action was provide a variety of activities to increase the capacity of organization, to develop a knowledge center and experimental fields of permaculture and eco-building, raising the interest to volunteers from Latvia and abroad to choose to work in Latgale region. Permaculture is an alternative that is close to organic farming, environmentally and people friendly system of planning and management with a low level of investment needed (cheap).
Summary of bilateral results