In 2011 there were 7507 children with disabilities in Latvia. Every year this number increases, but their parents lack information about availability of support. The project promoter strives to improve the situation. The project aims to protect human rights of children and young people with disabilities and ensure satisfaction of their needs involving them in policy development and decision-making processes, cooperating with other similar NGOs. The aim will be achieved by participating in decision-making processes representing the target group, forming comprehension in society, providing information about supporting opportunities, organizing summer educational seminars/camp,culture initiatives and publicity activities, involving volunteers, cooperating with NGOs, attracting additional financing and new members. Main project target groups are children and young people with functional disability,their relatives and NGO members.
Summary of project results
The project aims: to protect human rights of children and young people with disabilities and ensure satisfaction of their needs involving them in policy development and decision-making processes, cooperating with other similar NGOs. The objectivities of the project have been reached. The Association for Latvia’s Children with Physical Disabilities (LCPD) has strengthened the protection of human rights of children and young people with disabilities and has taken part in developing policies and decision-making processes. There has been cooperation with other non-governmental organizations, thus strengthening its capacity and ensuring the needs of the target groups. The LCPD will continue to defend the children and young people with disabilities and their needs. It will continue to offer the existing preventive programs and will work on launching new ones. The project involved purchasing wooden equipment for rehabilitation physiotherapy classes for children, a treadmill and biofeedback for children and young people with disabilities to help them to learn to control their body. The LCPD purchased 13 seats for seminars, one film/surveillance equipment system, 3 medical chairs and other rehabilitation equipment. The LCPD web site and Twitter account have been set up. Main project target groups are children and young people with functional disability, their relatives and NGO members. The following number of participants were involved in various project activities: 160 children and young people with disabilities, 249 parents or family members, 12 NGO employees, and 50 volunteers. The target group has received support and has attended culture and rehabilitation events, trainings and other events organized by the LCPD. The place of implementation of the project: Latvia
Summary of bilateral results